Here's the situation: have a 37 tall that got set up in May '10. Currently, we have 7 angelfish that were purchased on 11/9/10 along w/2 corys, and as of last week, we added a pearl gourami and a bala shark. I do about 4-6 water changes a week --- anywhere from 30 - 50 %. The angels are now over a silver dollar in size, and growing rapidly ---- that's the good news. The frustration is with the filter. I have an Emperor 280 (marineland) on the tank, and over the last 3 weeks or so, everytime I do a water change and refill the filter to get it restarted, a bunch of junk spews out of the filter. So today, I break down the filter and clean it ---- or so I thought. Do another water change, fire up the filter, and it's like the junk and crap coming out of the filter when it starts is WORSE ------- !!! So, obviously, I need a class in filter cleaning ---- how do you get ALL the crap out of that thing so that junk doesn't spew out when you restart it after a cleaning ??