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Kent Organic Adsorption Resin

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  • Kent Organic Adsorption Resin

    Kent Organic Adsorption Resin

    Has anyone tried this ?
    I went to Xtreme Fish and Pets on Bellaire and I told one of the helpful employees there about the fact I hated that my water, even with a second filter going, was not getting crystal clean.
    He told me to try out Kent Organic Adsorption Resin.  At $15.00 an 8 oz jar I was hoping this was going to be a miracle in a bottle.  Two baggies afterwards I had everything I needed.  Went home put half in each bag and installed them in my Penguin style filter.
    What a BEAUTIFUL difference this has made.  My water has become much clearer in 48 hours.  I hope over the next week that it will become more clear :)

    Where we make marine aquatics accessible, inspiring, and a place where your aquatic dreams can come to life!

    I would appreciate any comment anyone has about their use of this products... pro's and con's..

    Thanks :)

    What fish do Jesper have
    180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
    Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
    58 S. Decorus

    "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher

  • #2
    Re: Kent Organic Adsorption Resin

    I use Seachem Purigen and it turns the water crystal clear and makes the fish seem as though they are floating in air.
    700g Mini-Monster tank

