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Seachem 'The Bag' Alternatives

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  • Seachem 'The Bag' Alternatives

    Ok, So I got 500ml of Purigen. [Measured it out, there's -a lot- more than 500ml. More like 700ml in the jar Go Me! XD] And I have a single Seachem "The Bag" Only because I couldn't find any others that are 180micron. I know pantyhose will work, BUT I'd rather not because I know my Luck and I'd get a run and then Purigen would be all over my tank. I found some TINY little pyramid Teabags, they have tea in them, That I think may work but I'm iffy about using them seeing as they have tea in them and I wouldn't know how to re-seal them to hold the purigen, again, if the Mesh is too big Purigen all over the tank, and nobody wants that.

    So guys, who here uses Purigen? If you don't use "The Bag" What do you use?

  • #2
    I've used the bag and panty hose. The bag actually worked better. But maybe that's bc I had all "500" in one panty hose. Didnt seem like all the purigen got used evenly. Which is easily fixed by just move it around a bit.

    Honestly, why so advise to the idea of using panty hose? I think teabags are better (lol, I said teabag).
    I ate my fish that died.


    • #3
      You can buy the micron bags online or use pantyhose.

      I use pantyhose cause its there and it works. Just spread it out through the length of the pantyhose. Adequate flow allowed and holds the beads in.
      700g Mini-Monster tank


      • #4
        I'll probably use pantyhose. The wife has some I can gank from her. I've already got the bag from seachem for my Fx5 that was just set up earlier on my 170g Oscar/Jewel/Convict/Pleco/Raphael Cat/Crayfish tank.

        I have more than enough leftover to replace what's in the Fx5 while the spent Purigen recharges. So I was thinking of tossing some in my Aqueon Quietflow 30 HOB That I've done away with cartridges and now have a Sponge on the Intake and stuffed with Bioballs and is currently running on a 20h. I'm just worried about the pantyhose tearing and spewing all these tiny granules all over the tank.


        • #5
          The pantyhose isn't stretched out so it won't tear, I haven't had any problems doing so.
          700g Mini-Monster tank

