I installed a koralia 4 and since then, looks like calcium or protein buildup on the top of the water. Filmy looking stuff, but water is still in great shape. And since I installed it, my overflow is LOUD!!!! The sound of the water draining into the sump is driving me nutz!!!! what caN i do to fix both of these?
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Someone help me. I have two problems
Helps keep my tank debris free and I have the overflow box straight up 90 degrees. No leaning. It was super quiet and now it's like crazy. I thought the power head, with the surface agitation would help but guess not.210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
125g Mdoka White Lip
"Success is the willingness to fail"
position the powerhead somewhere else and make sure it's not a coincidence that something else went south at the time of installation.
check your drip tray and drain hose to make sure it's not clogged and adding the koralia doesn't mean you can feed more or do less water change.
The slime build up on the water surface is protein.700g Mini-Monster tank
I actually do water changes every two or three days. How can I get rid of the protein? Stop feeding as much? I only feed four small meals a day.210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
125g Mdoka White Lip
"Success is the willingness to fail"
Well between the return pump and the power head, there's 1800 gph trying to be pushed into the overflow. The overflow only allows 600-700 gph max. Maybe I'm over working the overflow? Cleaning the equipment might be next but this is a fairly new setup. Didn't start until I installed the stupid power head lol. Guess its too big for my 50 gal growout tank. It's a koralia 4.210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
125g Mdoka White Lip
"Success is the willingness to fail"
I have it on the same side as the return pump about half way up the side of the glass pointed up. My fish can't stand much more current since the biggest are shy of 2". I unplugged it and the protein problem isn't as bad. I guess with all of the water being pushed towards the overflow, all of the debris gets built up in that one spot too. Oh well. This tank is history in a few months.Last edited by moganman; 03-22-2012, 09:07 AM.210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
125g Mdoka White Lip
"Success is the willingness to fail"