My 56 gal holds various cichlids and late last night I noticed the Green Terror not eating normally. Swimming around ok, just not eating. All the other fish are fine. The Green Terror historically is always the first fish in the tank to react if anything in the chemistry being off. The ammonia was minimal (0-0.2) range, the nitrites were zero and nitrates 10ppm. Nothing a water change wont fix.
I then tested the pH and it didnt register (lowest the color scale goes is 6.0 and the pH color was just pale yellow). The pH then is likely below 6. The kit shouldnt be out of expiration being bought within the last year or two, so i tested my 29 gal and it was 7.4-7.6 range. The water out of my tap is around 8.0, and I did a 50% water change maybe 10-14 days ago. I normally do about 2 changes a month.
I will be doing another change as soon as i get home from work today, so putting in alkaline water will temporarily raise the pH but something is driving it down. Only things in the tank are gravel, plastic plants, plastic ornaments and two limestone rocks that i have had for maybe 7 years.
My only guess is the limestone stopped reacting to buffer the pH. One rock was brown, and even hard scrubbing wasnt exposing much of the surface. The other rock is patchy white and brown. The limestone rock in my 29 is obviously still doing its job (same thing - only plastic plants/decor). All rocks were bought at the same time, so I cant explain why these two essentially corroded to this point.
I put two brand new limestone rocks in the 56 gal now, but they dont amount to the weight of the previous two rocks. Probably not even half the weight of the previous two. I took a hammer/screwdriver to the old rocks to break them apart, hoping to expose the center if it still will react/buffer (middles werent in great shape but better).
In the past i used baking soda as a band-aid, but that wont keep the pH from dropping again. I didnt go that route not wanting the pH to rise and drop again.
Has anyone else noticed pH to drop like this so sharply? Or any techniques for the short-term until I can get more limestone? I also never have seen limestone degrade in this manner.
I then tested the pH and it didnt register (lowest the color scale goes is 6.0 and the pH color was just pale yellow). The pH then is likely below 6. The kit shouldnt be out of expiration being bought within the last year or two, so i tested my 29 gal and it was 7.4-7.6 range. The water out of my tap is around 8.0, and I did a 50% water change maybe 10-14 days ago. I normally do about 2 changes a month.
I will be doing another change as soon as i get home from work today, so putting in alkaline water will temporarily raise the pH but something is driving it down. Only things in the tank are gravel, plastic plants, plastic ornaments and two limestone rocks that i have had for maybe 7 years.
My only guess is the limestone stopped reacting to buffer the pH. One rock was brown, and even hard scrubbing wasnt exposing much of the surface. The other rock is patchy white and brown. The limestone rock in my 29 is obviously still doing its job (same thing - only plastic plants/decor). All rocks were bought at the same time, so I cant explain why these two essentially corroded to this point.
I put two brand new limestone rocks in the 56 gal now, but they dont amount to the weight of the previous two rocks. Probably not even half the weight of the previous two. I took a hammer/screwdriver to the old rocks to break them apart, hoping to expose the center if it still will react/buffer (middles werent in great shape but better).
In the past i used baking soda as a band-aid, but that wont keep the pH from dropping again. I didnt go that route not wanting the pH to rise and drop again.
Has anyone else noticed pH to drop like this so sharply? Or any techniques for the short-term until I can get more limestone? I also never have seen limestone degrade in this manner.