Opinion on this. http://www.ebay.com/itm/T5-Quad-48-T...item43bd0d5d2c
Or should I go with Hagen 2x54 ballast system, buy the 2 48" reflectors, and 1 marine white and 1 blue bulb. Prices will come out to be close in price.
What are your thoughts? I have a 90 gal bowfront Mbuna tank. All rockscape, my goal is to grow algae on rocks.
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Or should I go with Hagen 2x54 ballast system, buy the 2 48" reflectors, and 1 marine white and 1 blue bulb. Prices will come out to be close in price.
What are your thoughts? I have a 90 gal bowfront Mbuna tank. All rockscape, my goal is to grow algae on rocks.
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