I have two tanks running for a 15 to 18 months. A 5 gal and a 20 gal. So last night I went to test the water pramaters. I did wc on sunday. So the test for Ph was 7.4 on the low scale. Thes on high scale @ 8.8 ph. First I panic and think what has happened. So i check my tank water again. Then I check my tap water in one jug. Then check tap water after treatment with api water condtior in different jug. Than a different gallon treated with tetra tap water condentior. Five different samples checked all showed 8+ Ph. ?what the heck. I rechecked today both tanks 7.4 to 7.6 and same with the other 3 gallons in jugs. I dont know what i might have done wrong to get this occurance. Will test again tommarow. Pardon any miss spelling not able to correct on my nook. Thanks
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