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Goby/Hillstream/Shrimp tank build

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  • Goby/Hillstream/Shrimp tank build

    I apologize for not putting this thread together back when I reset the tank. I really thought I had. In August of 2012, after I sold my discus, I wanted to put together a high-current tank for hillstream loaches and gobies, along with my malawa shrimp. I'd seen several river tank builds over the years and came up with my own variation to fit my 125 gal.

    After emptying and cleaning the tank. I took measurements of the inside bottom area. My idea was to have powerheads on one end of the tank connected to a manifold whose intakes were on the other end of the tank. The spray bars from my 2217 returns would be at the surface above the manifold intake sponges so that the flow along the surface was left to right and the flow along the bottom was right to left. I wanted a lot of movement.

    I've always been of the opinion that in some tanks there's no such thing as too much flow...besides, the fish are easier to see when they're pinned against the front glass.

    First, after buying all my fittings and pipe, I dry-fit the manifold and checked it's fit.

    What are the facts? Again and again and again--what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore devine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history"--what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your only clue.

    Robert Anson Heinlein

  • #2

    I cut some short pieces for risers and capped and drilled them for intakes. Then, cut some others for risers for the powerheads.

    What are the facts? Again and again and again--what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore devine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history"--what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your only clue.

    Robert Anson Heinlein


    • #3
      Next, I fit the sponge prefilters over the intake risers and the powerheads on their risers. Once I had everything the correct size, I took it all apart and glued it together.

      Didn't like the trimmed down aquaclear sponges so I changed them out for some premade sponges that I bought at AquaZoo.

      What are the facts? Again and again and again--what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore devine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history"--what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your only clue.

      Robert Anson Heinlein


      • #4
        I extended my intake hoses for my Eheims so that I could move both filter intakes down to the right side of the tank and have both spray bars down on the left end.

        Then I dropped the manifold in and started fillin' 'er up.

        What are the facts? Again and again and again--what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore devine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history"--what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your only clue.

        Robert Anson Heinlein


        • #5

          Added pool filter sand...

          What are the facts? Again and again and again--what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore devine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history"--what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your only clue.

          Robert Anson Heinlein


          • #6
            That's very unique design to create one way flow. Very interesting.
            010G Long fin BN grow-out
            020G Electric blue, Red Fin Borleye FOR SALE
            020G Leulepi grow-out
            020G Leulepi, Julidochromis, chalinochromis, BN breeder
            030G Leulepi breeder
            030G SRD FlowerHorn
            040G Hongi Sweden breeder
            090G Tangs community
            100G Tangs community
            150G Cyphos Moba & Leulepi


            • #7
              After filling, added hardscape and plants. Gobies and hillstreams were in Q-tank. My two canisters were left running in a tote during the tank's dry period so the biofilter would stay alive. At this time there were shrimp, a few kuhli loaches and a pair of ABNs and their fry.

              Last edited by wesleydnunder; 05-15-2015, 04:23 PM.
              What are the facts? Again and again and again--what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore devine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history"--what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your only clue.

              Robert Anson Heinlein


              • #8
                As you can tell, the tank has grown out considerably. All my bolbitis started out as just those two small sprigs, now it covers over half the tank. The sewellia lineolatas have spawned several times and I have I think four generations now. The gastromyzons and rhinogobius zhoui have not bred.

                What are the facts? Again and again and again--what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore devine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history"--what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your only clue.

                Robert Anson Heinlein


                • #9
                  I remember this build.
                  Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


                  • #10
                    Beautiful tank. I can't see the Link on the other post can you post a now picture here?
                    Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by troy tucker View Post
                      Beautiful tank. I can't see the Link on the other post can you post a now picture here?
                      Sure thing, Troy...

                      What are the facts? Again and again and again--what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore devine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history"--what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your only clue.

                      Robert Anson Heinlein


                      • #12
                        Sorry about the poor quality vid...not the best videographer by any stretch. I'd just thinned a huge pile of bolbitis and java moss from the tank when I did my water change. The plants really grow fast considering there's no fert. regimen or co2.

                        The plants are:
                        bolbitis, anubias barteri and frasieri, crypt. wendtii bronze and crypt spiralis, java moss.

                        The livestock are: Sulawesi malawa shrimp, kuhli loach, stiphodon semoni, rhinogobius zhoui, sewelia lineolata, gastromyzon scitulus, gastromyzon zebrinus.

                        What are the facts? Again and again and again--what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore devine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history"--what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your only clue.

                        Robert Anson Heinlein


                        • #13
                          Yep! It's a jungle. That's what I like so much about planted tanks. They are always changing.
                          Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


                          • #14
                            Your plants look so healthy without fert and CO2. What is the lighting?
                            010G Long fin BN grow-out
                            020G Electric blue, Red Fin Borleye FOR SALE
                            020G Leulepi grow-out
                            020G Leulepi, Julidochromis, chalinochromis, BN breeder
                            030G Leulepi breeder
                            030G SRD FlowerHorn
                            040G Hongi Sweden breeder
                            090G Tangs community
                            100G Tangs community
                            150G Cyphos Moba & Leulepi


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ptran View Post
                              Your plants look so healthy without fert and CO2. What is the lighting?
                              There are four 3" 2-lamp t8 NO fluorescent fixtures; total of 8 lamps. 6500K. 32W ea. for a total of 256 W, so about 2 wpg. 12 hr photoperiod.

                              What are the facts? Again and again and again--what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore devine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history"--what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your only clue.

                              Robert Anson Heinlein

