I used Eco-Complete substrate, which comes with its own water supply in the bag. I did not rinse the gravel. In the last week, I finally sourced my RO water from That Aquarium Place. Using my meter, their RO water measured 6 ppm total dissolved solids (TDS). After adding a significant amount of driftwood and some rocks, the TDS in the aquarium measured about 50 ppm. A week later (this past Saturday), I added three albino corydoras aeneus and two pearl gouramis. Before adding the fish, the TDS was 80 ppm and three days after adding the fish it is now 98 ppm. My first water change will be this weekend. Ammonia and nitrate levels are at 0. I clean up the leftover food after 45 minutes.
Do you measure TDS and what is your typical reading of an established tank?
Do you measure TDS and what is your typical reading of an established tank?