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Is this normal on 1st cycle?

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  • Is this normal on 1st cycle?

    I tested my water on Monday for the 1st time and my Ammonia level was 0PPM and my Nitrite level was 1PPM. Tonight I tested my waters and my Ammonia level was 0.25PPM and my Nitrite level was 0.50PPM? Does your Ammonia and Nitrite levels fluctuate during your 1st cycle?

  • #2
    Leave it alone. How long have you setup the tank?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    • #3
      going on 3 weeks now, I thought that when the Ammonia levels dropped to 0ppm that they wouldn't rise back up.


      • #4
        Ammonia should be 0 once your filter is mature. Try to do a water change and test it again.
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        • #5
          Okay thanks, I will do a 40% water change this weekend and get back with you Tuesday or Wednesday next week with the results.

