So I did a change in my 29G planted I moved it from one side of the room to another. In the process I broke my intake lily pipe so I used the intake that comes with the Eheim but I am missing the screen for it. But I thought about it and said well I should get a new one soon and surely the fish are not stupid enough to get sucked up. Boy was I wrong for the last couple of days I have been looking for my Cardinal tetras and Black neons that inhabit the tank. They have been slowly disappearing with no trace. So I tore down the tank moved everything around even plants to try and find the boogers. No luck. So this morning I get a feeling "Hey go look in the pump" So I look at the side and sure enough I see a dead tetra. So I take the whole thing apart in the tub and see things swimming around. I close the drain and pour out the contents and found about 4 Cardinals and 1 Black neon still alive and about 20 Cherry shrimp that I didnt even notice since I have so many in the tank and they keep breading. I can not believe that they were able to live in that nasty water for so long with about 4 tetra bodies and one loach.