Should I quarantine him? I've noticed alot of the demasoni have fin damage more than usual. It looks like its aggression related but I dont see any major aggression issues. I have had the lights on longer than normal lately so could this be stress related? Only meds I have is melafix. I could'nt find anything to help at the LFS but I really dont know what to get.
Tell us about the fish:
1)Which fish have what symptoms:
1 demasoni
2)What medications have been tried:
3)When they were introduced to the tank, did fish from where they came from have symptoms:
I dont believe so, I've had the fish for about 2 months
4)Numbers, size, and types of fish in your tank:
21 demasoni, 8 yellow labs, 1 5inch albino pleco, couple full grown but most are juvies
5)What, how much, and how often you feed:
dainichi veggie fx and veggie deluxe mixed, 2 times a day as much as they will eat in 1-2 min, they are always beggin for food
6)How much water you change and how often:
never less than 50% a week, sometimes up to 60% 2 times a week, I use prime at the chloramine strength. I'm guessing we have chloramine water because we have 1ppm ammonia straight out the tap.
Tell as much as you know about the tank and equipment:
7)When was the tank set up:
3 months ago
How many gallons:
9)What's your water temperature:
10)What's your ph:
11)What's your ammonia level:
0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 5 nitrate
12)Hardness level:
13)Type(s) of filter(s):
FX5, eheim wet/dry, 2 koralia 4's, argonite substrate and PFS mixed
14)Anything else we should know:
I have no idea what im doing
Tell us about the fish:
1)Which fish have what symptoms:
1 demasoni
2)What medications have been tried:
3)When they were introduced to the tank, did fish from where they came from have symptoms:
I dont believe so, I've had the fish for about 2 months
4)Numbers, size, and types of fish in your tank:
21 demasoni, 8 yellow labs, 1 5inch albino pleco, couple full grown but most are juvies
5)What, how much, and how often you feed:
dainichi veggie fx and veggie deluxe mixed, 2 times a day as much as they will eat in 1-2 min, they are always beggin for food
6)How much water you change and how often:
never less than 50% a week, sometimes up to 60% 2 times a week, I use prime at the chloramine strength. I'm guessing we have chloramine water because we have 1ppm ammonia straight out the tap.
Tell as much as you know about the tank and equipment:
7)When was the tank set up:
3 months ago
How many gallons:
9)What's your water temperature:
10)What's your ph:
11)What's your ammonia level:
0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 5 nitrate
12)Hardness level:
13)Type(s) of filter(s):
FX5, eheim wet/dry, 2 koralia 4's, argonite substrate and PFS mixed
14)Anything else we should know:
I have no idea what im doing