It's very odd. I have a single guppy that has lived through any and everything, including two newts, constantly trying to eat her. Yet, even as she still acts perfectly fine, something is eating at her tail and she's the only one that's got it. It looks like the scales are almost not there, anymore at the base and the tail itself looks like it's been nibbled. I don't have any pics because I don't have a good camera.
The water is perfectly stable, what it's always been. It's a ten gallon, lightly planted tank with 2 newts, a bichir and some sort of eel with a 10g HOB filter. I've now lost a 2 bettas to what I've been told is a simple parasitic fungus that could be cured with Clout. I've tried clout, melafix, Malachite green, 10% water changes every day, sifting the gravel, changing the filter. Nothing will make this go away.
The water is perfectly stable, what it's always been. It's a ten gallon, lightly planted tank with 2 newts, a bichir and some sort of eel with a 10g HOB filter. I've now lost a 2 bettas to what I've been told is a simple parasitic fungus that could be cured with Clout. I've tried clout, melafix, Malachite green, 10% water changes every day, sifting the gravel, changing the filter. Nothing will make this go away.