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Is my Cichlid sick?

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  • Is my Cichlid sick?

    Past couple days i started to notice my orange cichlids color fading, its not bright and colorful liek it has been. hes been swimming on the top of the tank and not active as the others or as usual. i tested my tank and Nitrites were ridiculously high. so i did a major water change instead of just putting in some chemical that kills ammonia, nitrites etc...i think the high level came from too much extra food on the floor and one of my cichlids is endlessly pooping haha...we shall see if there isnt any suprises when i get home :( any ideas what else is could be? hes been fine in the tank for about 1 month, no real plants, aerator.

  • #2
    Chris, From the desc. it could be that the fish is being hunted and it backing out, do you see any damage on the fish. A couple of things to look for are signs of bug eyes, larger than usual stomach, any other signs on the fish itself being sick ? Is it eating.
    Another thing I recommend specially for heavy feed cichids, is take a day off feeding them, let them clean out and be hungry again. This will help you if you are over feeding because on the day they are off food, they will scavange for food on the bottom. The rule is if the food isnt gone in 2 minutes.. you are feeding to much.

    What fish do Jesper have
    180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
    Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
    58 S. Decorus

    "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


    • #3
      i dont see any signs of damage on the fish, but i agree with you on the being hunted part. i only have 3 cichlids in the tank and 4 tigerbarbs...but now my yellow one is hanging around the water vents now....and the white one is digging holes under everything. he doesnt bother the tiger barbs but chasing the other 2 continuously. as soon as they come out from vents, he chases them. not sure what to do...but my orange one isnt really eating. i drop food and the white and yellow go after it liek there is no tomorrow. i think i may just have to get rid of this aggresive one. Thank for you input. appreciate your help.


      • #4
        and bug eyes are a definite!

