I just saw my substrate and it looks to be inhabiting small white worms and flea looking things. I thought, well maybe the flea looking things are just baby snails.... well i don't know how fast baby snails are but these guys are fast!
The white worms are very thin and seem to just wiggle through the water and i see them resting inside my substrate.
10gallon high light, high co2, macro/micro 2x a week.
aqueon quietflow 10 w/ aquaclear sponge on intake. Sponge and peat moss in filter.
50% water change (every other week i gravel vac due to babies.)
temp is 75 PH - 7.4 ammonia/nitrates - 0 nirtites ~ 5.0
stock... 2 otos and 10rsc + 15+babies.
I dosed fenbendazole the beginning of this month. Should that've helped?
P.S. - I feed about 3xs a week spirulina flake, algae waffers or veggies.
The white worms are very thin and seem to just wiggle through the water and i see them resting inside my substrate.
10gallon high light, high co2, macro/micro 2x a week.
aqueon quietflow 10 w/ aquaclear sponge on intake. Sponge and peat moss in filter.
50% water change (every other week i gravel vac due to babies.)
temp is 75 PH - 7.4 ammonia/nitrates - 0 nirtites ~ 5.0
stock... 2 otos and 10rsc + 15+babies.
I dosed fenbendazole the beginning of this month. Should that've helped?
P.S. - I feed about 3xs a week spirulina flake, algae waffers or veggies.