I found my favorite fish - an apisto cacuotoides (sp?) tripple red. He was laying looking dead. I went to get him with a net and he started swimming some.
His scales are all puffed out, and he is sinking sometimes nose down, tail up. I put him in a separate tank with fresh water, dechlorinator and some epsom salts (he has a tendency to eat more shrimp than he can easily digest and has had some problems that way.
I have a few different kinds of medicine - some blue stuff Dan from HAW used to mix up, some tetracycline and some parasite stuff, but I don't know which, if any to use.
Please feel free to text me, 210-788-3792 as it is urgent. Thanks in advance for your help!
Now for some other information - I added some threadfin rainbows to the tank about 1-2 months ago. All went well until I cleaned out my filter (it was WAY overdue and the filter was sluggish) after that water change the water got cloudy (I figured bacteria coming back up to par) and I lost half of my threadfins to some kind of illness that made their scales cloudy. I tried another water change, and things seemed to get better, the rest of the fish are healthy and my rice fish are breeding again. However, this does not appear to be what is wrong with my apisto.
His scales are all puffed out, and he is sinking sometimes nose down, tail up. I put him in a separate tank with fresh water, dechlorinator and some epsom salts (he has a tendency to eat more shrimp than he can easily digest and has had some problems that way.
I have a few different kinds of medicine - some blue stuff Dan from HAW used to mix up, some tetracycline and some parasite stuff, but I don't know which, if any to use.
Please feel free to text me, 210-788-3792 as it is urgent. Thanks in advance for your help!
Now for some other information - I added some threadfin rainbows to the tank about 1-2 months ago. All went well until I cleaned out my filter (it was WAY overdue and the filter was sluggish) after that water change the water got cloudy (I figured bacteria coming back up to par) and I lost half of my threadfins to some kind of illness that made their scales cloudy. I tried another water change, and things seemed to get better, the rest of the fish are healthy and my rice fish are breeding again. However, this does not appear to be what is wrong with my apisto.