So most of you know about my 6 wild caught geophagus Tapajo "orange heads" that came in from South America about a week or 10 days ago. All of them got ich, but 5 were still active and eating while one seemed to be covered in the most white spots and doing poorly. I've been treating with higher temps and salt and Kordon organic Ich Attack, and everyone's doing better except her. She won't eat anything. Last night I took her out of the main tank into a 30 gallon quarantine with some plants, tank water with the salt and Ich Attack, and added Quick Cure (malachite green and formalin). The ich seems to have cleared up and she's a little more active but she won't eat and she's gasping despite good surface agitation with circ pumps and air stones.
Today I noticed a bulge on one side, and something was protruding from underneath her. She looks injured but she didn't look like this last night when I took her out of the main tank. The protruding thing looks like an egg tube but it's very swollen. Here's a pic:
Today I noticed a bulge on one side, and something was protruding from underneath her. She looks injured but she didn't look like this last night when I took her out of the main tank. The protruding thing looks like an egg tube but it's very swollen. Here's a pic: