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Another Angel not eating...

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  • Another Angel not eating...

    I just read the post about Nguyener's Angel not eating. (Hope the angel is alright by the way.) My koi angelfish is doing the same thing. He has been the sole angel for about 6 months now in a 29 gallon tank with 6 congo tetras and three cory cats with no issues. He's been a gluttonous eater and the boss of the tank. Yesterday and today, he hasn't touched a thing. I did do a water change yesterday morning and added some additional sand from the lfs. His mouth is slightly red and it isn't usually. Could he have ingested some sand or sand particles when I added sand yesteday? What should I do?


  • #2
    an update: looked really close at the angel and he has two very small red stringy things coming out of his butt. Not sure it that helps anyone's diagnosis. I'll probably dose with Melafix. Thoughts?


    • #3
      hmm red stringy things come out of its anus bro? i hope its not callamanus for they are nasty parasite. i wish you have photo so we can have a better look. but do google and search up about callamanus parasite. wish ya luck on your angel fish.


      • #4
        I would suggest using garlic with his food, its fairly effective and it usually gets the fish eating. Not certain how effective it would be againt an IP, but there are some treatments out there.
        In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
        Desiderius Erasmus
        GHAC President


        • #5
          yeh there are some. i actually had to went through using some dog dewormer for my FH when they were infected with these red little devils. callamanus are known to have very good immune system and they can reproduce pretty badly so u gotta make sure to kill them in one shot or otherwise you'll have trouble. i remember i read something about Jungle Parasite Off was pretty effective against these guys. once again bro i wish ya luck and i really hope it isn't callamanus.


          • #6
            Have you quarantined it yet? If it's callam, you need to isolate and really make sure your other fish stay safe. I'd place it in a separate holding tank, if at all possible.
            All bleeding stops eventually...


            • #7
              Oh, and I'd salt the water 1 tbsp per 5 gals if you already haven't done so. Agree with the garlic too (I like using Kent's garlic solution), which can be added directly to the water as well.
              All bleeding stops eventually...


              • #8
                Thank you all so much for the replies. Ya - it is worms. I was watching him closely for a while and I saw the worms retract back into him and then out again. I was doing some googling and came upon Levamisole hydrochloride. Anyone have any experience with this? I found this article: It and other articles seem to indicate that I'll need to treat the entire tank.

                This is what I'm thinking about doing. Thoughts? Thanks again all.


                • #9
                  I would treat the entire tank but still take the angel out and treat it separately, as it's the main host. That way you can spot-feed it too.
                  All bleeding stops eventually...


                  • #10
                    Good call. Thanks aquabee. Here's another article with more specifics:

                    I'm thinking I'll go with the Levamisole HCl. I guess I'll call my vet tomorrow and see if they've got it.

                    Thanks all.


                    • #11
                      Fishmaker, I looked into the Jungle Parasite Clear ( Is this stuff good enough, or should I go straight to the dog de-wormer Levamisole HCL? Thanks again guys.


                      • #12
                        thats good that you spot it out quick, the quicker you act the better chance in saving your fish. wish you best of luck in taking out those dang worms. and i agree with the treating of the whole tank and aquabee suggestion of isolating your angelfish as well. dont forget to clean your filter as well, cause their eggs can sucked into the filter and that is where they can re-inhabit your tank again.
                        best of luck dude :]


                        • #13
                          Thanks fishmaker. I've got the angel in a 10 gal quarantine. I went ahead and got some Tetra Parasite Guard ( and dosed the quarantine and main tank as well. It is supposed to stop internal and external parasites. I also went ahead and got some Kent's Garlic Xtreme and some more frozen brine shrimp and plan on giving that a try soon. I will keep you posted on the progress of the Angel. Hopefully he starts eating today and hopefully those worms die quickly! Thanks again everyone for the help!


                          • #14
                            Well angel in the 10 gallon quarantine with medication, salt, garlic, brine shrimp and a lay-z-boy still isn't eating. Hopefully he'll kick back and relax and eat tomorrow.


                            • #15
                              sorry about the prob. with the angel. What do you feed the angel? and do you leave the tank led open?
                              Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...

