I noticed a dead clown loach on my way out the door last night. I pulled him out and inspected the tank for any signs of sick fish, all looked ok. (I had just done a water change a week earlier).I set off for work knowing I should do an immediate water change but there was no time. It ate at me all night. (I should have called in late)
Walked threw the door this morning to find more dead clown loach.I did a water change and removed all remaining clown loach from the 210 and put them in a 30 gallon quarantine with a bubbler and a heater set at 82. I also added 3 tsp of Kordon Methylene Blue and 1 tsp. of Seachem Prime. What else should I do? I was thinking of adding some aquarium salt. Two more loach not looking so great, So far 5 out of 17 clown loach from 4-6 inches have died. Really kicking myself in the @$$ right now.
Walked threw the door this morning to find more dead clown loach.I did a water change and removed all remaining clown loach from the 210 and put them in a 30 gallon quarantine with a bubbler and a heater set at 82. I also added 3 tsp of Kordon Methylene Blue and 1 tsp. of Seachem Prime. What else should I do? I was thinking of adding some aquarium salt. Two more loach not looking so great, So far 5 out of 17 clown loach from 4-6 inches have died. Really kicking myself in the @$$ right now.