AHHHH I noticed ick on a few of my neon tetras and my male apisto!!!! WTF they've been fine this whole time until today. I read the sticky, but am still unclear of what is safe for shrimp/snails! Please advise I really don't want to lose my apisto! Or my shrimp. Is the heat/salt method safe for the plants and shrimp? Please advise. I'm freakin out. Thanks in advance
-29 gal
-carribsea black tahitan moon sand
-eheim 2215
-heater at about 79
-various plants and mosses and driftwood
-3 apistos (orange flash)
-julie cory's
-a dozen neon tetras
-zebra otto
-whiptail cat
-amano shrimp
-red cherry shrimp
-some kind of snails
-29 gal
-carribsea black tahitan moon sand
-eheim 2215
-heater at about 79
-various plants and mosses and driftwood
-3 apistos (orange flash)
-julie cory's
-a dozen neon tetras
-zebra otto
-whiptail cat
-amano shrimp
-red cherry shrimp
-some kind of snails