Hey guys, I have a 215 gallon aquarium with rainbowfish, angelfish, tetras (red eye, Congo, rummy nose, hi511), plecos, Cory cats, and ocats. I lost a few o cats(5 or 6) since I put about 20 in the tank this weekend and just attributed this to their hardiness. I have lost a couple of small tetras over the last several days and again, wasn't overly concerned. Yesterday I noticed that one of my neon praecox rainbows developed a dry white spot on his body, so I took him out and flushed him. Today I noticed that my other praecox is starting to develop a white spot as well (picture below). I switched from peacock/Malawi cichlids about 2 weeks ago and now have theses community fish, so the water is well cycled as the tank has been up for over 6 months. About an hour ago I found 2 dead angelfish and a red eyed tetra dead, so now I am starting to get a little concerned. I am not sure if the issue with my rainbowfish has anything to do with the angelfish deaths either. I have also added a lot of fish over the last 2 weeks, but have not added any since Saturday. I did not see anything unusual on the angelfish or tetra when I scooped them out either. I have done weekly water changes and add prime and epson salt each time i do them. My water parameters are below:
ammonia: 0.25
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 80
gh: 180
kh: 180
any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
ammonia: 0.25
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 80
gh: 180
kh: 180
any help would be appreciated. Thanks.