Wow, it feels as if I've posted more today than I intended to
So the filter on one of my tanks is out, and I plan to go replace it first thing tomorrow.
But in the meantime, I would very much appreciate some advice on how to handle the matter until then.
I've read that having an air stone can help in this scenario, but I don't have one- nor do I have any tubing with me to make a DIY one
I'm not very mechanically inclined, so please forgive this if you can- but is there another way I could make my own air stone or some sort of contraption that could help right now? My resources are a bit limited- household objects, I don't have anything on me here that's necessarily made for aquariums besides some filter media, a plastic 'fishbowl' that I use as a bucket, food, and water conditioner. Extremely basic :(
I DO have a 2.5 gallon tank that I've kept around for emergencies- particularly ones like this- but these are goldfish and I would really like to keep that tank and it's weak filter as a last resort. These fish are way too big for that tank, and if there's a more reasonable way to handle this until tomorrow morning, I'd rather do that.
Unless in ya'lls opinion the 2.5 IS the more reasonable approach. I'm just unsure.
I've considered also switching my black skirt tetras into the 2.5 temporarily, and giving my goldfish their tank since it's definitely more space to work with than 2.5 gal. But it seems like a lot of drama to that just until tomorrow morning.
These goldfish are my pride and joys though, so if it's going to be hard work then so be it I suppose.
So the filter on one of my tanks is out, and I plan to go replace it first thing tomorrow.
But in the meantime, I would very much appreciate some advice on how to handle the matter until then.
I've read that having an air stone can help in this scenario, but I don't have one- nor do I have any tubing with me to make a DIY one
I'm not very mechanically inclined, so please forgive this if you can- but is there another way I could make my own air stone or some sort of contraption that could help right now? My resources are a bit limited- household objects, I don't have anything on me here that's necessarily made for aquariums besides some filter media, a plastic 'fishbowl' that I use as a bucket, food, and water conditioner. Extremely basic :(
I DO have a 2.5 gallon tank that I've kept around for emergencies- particularly ones like this- but these are goldfish and I would really like to keep that tank and it's weak filter as a last resort. These fish are way too big for that tank, and if there's a more reasonable way to handle this until tomorrow morning, I'd rather do that.
Unless in ya'lls opinion the 2.5 IS the more reasonable approach. I'm just unsure.
I've considered also switching my black skirt tetras into the 2.5 temporarily, and giving my goldfish their tank since it's definitely more space to work with than 2.5 gal. But it seems like a lot of drama to that just until tomorrow morning.
These goldfish are my pride and joys though, so if it's going to be hard work then so be it I suppose.