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Curing ICK...What's your best method?

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  • #16
    Re: Curing ICK...What's your best method?

    if there isnt already salt in the tank dose it as the box says to and raise the temp a degree or two. after a day gravel clean as whatever falls off the fish will be in the gravel. after a day or so if it gets worse i would put some ich medicine in.
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #17
      Re: Curing ICK...What's your best method?

      thats tha plan so far


      • #18
        Re: Curing ICK...What's your best method?

        I use the same method as Ellen: temp raised to 86 degrees and two tsp per gallon salt raised over 24-48 hours. Treatment lasts for minimum of two weeks, sometimes three if I'm feeling especially paranoid. I wouldn't waste money buying aquarium salt though. Simple rock salt or table salt will work just fine. And don't worry about thr iodide in table salt. At these concentrations it hasn't a negative effect. For water changes I add salt to the new water before I introduce it. When treatment is over, regular water changes with no additional salt will remove it.

        I'm suspicious of chemical treatments in general and heat/salt has always worked.

        What are the facts? Again and again and again--what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore devine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history"--what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your only clue.

        Robert Anson Heinlein


        • #19
          Re: Curing ICK...What's your best method?

          FWP added. Raised the temp. Installed a UV sterilizer in line with my filter (after it).

          Could not add salt.

          Treated a 150g community with 100% success. I have inverts, live plants and small freshwater fish. I run the UV all the time now, and add FWP at every water change.

          I would heartily recommend a UV and the FWP.

          My other hobby?Vroom![b]


          • #20
            Re: Curing ICK...What's your best method?

            Whats FWP?


            • #21
              Re: Curing ICK...What's your best method?

              Uhm...its some kind of "natural" anti parasitic for freshwater me tomorrow per my PM and I'll give you the skinny on it.

              I now have my UV running just 12 hours a day.

              For most parasites and many diseases you just have to break thier kife cycle and they are gone. Then the UV is enough to keep the odds in your favor. But I am so confodent now that I am compfrtable with not being able to afford quarantine tanks when I acquire new fish...

              My other hobby?Vroom![b]


              • #22
                Re: Curing ICK...What's your best method?

                No fair Russ! I want to know what FWP is also.


                • #23
                  Re: Curing ICK...What's your best method?

                  Dammit...I am going downstairs to look at mine then...just for you.....ok...happy now?

                  I love this stuff so much. I bought 2 gallons, so i can let someone have a test sample if you like.....

                  Use only on aquariums. It stung like blazes when I used it in the tub...(kidding!)

                  Hold on, gimme a couple of mins here....

                  My other hobby?Vroom![b]


                  • #24
                    Re: Curing ICK...What's your best method?

                    Thanks Russ! :wink:


                    • #25
                      Re: Curing ICK...What's your best method?

                      Ok, here is the skinny:

                      Chem-Marin FWP by Al Ciannelli. Copper free, safe for inverts and plants. 100% organic. For freshwater parasites only (ich/Velvet).

                      Remove charcoal, Chemisorb, Poly filters etc. Add 4 teaspoons per day for 5 days in a 10g. Can casue pH to drop. No water changers are necessary. Product is biodegradeable.

                      I used only half the dose and it worked very well. Not sure if it was the FWP or the UV. 9w UVs are a bargain price on your favorite auction site, or on aquatraders.

                      My other hobby?Vroom![b]


                      • #26
                        Re: Curing ICK...What's your best method?

                        I googled it - looks like it's hot pepper sauce of some sort which causes the fish to build up an excessive slime coat (like salt does) - the ich can't handle the excess slime, they can't get to the fish through it, the life cycle is broken, the ich disappears...I'll stick with heat, I like peppers in my food, not my water!!



                        • #27
                          Re: Curing ICK...What's your best method?

                          I have been using it for 2 years with no issue. The trouble with heat treatment is that if you have cold spots (like under deep substrate) the free swimming and spore stgaes of ich can survive, while some of your inhabitants may not (I have some fish that can't tolerate 86'F).

                          My other hobby?Vroom![b]


                          • #28
                            Re: Curing ICK...What's your best method?

                            Is it safe to use with clown loaches? And where do you get it?


                            • #29
                              Re: Curing ICK...What's your best method?

                              Oops, meant to say heat + salt. I'm glad it works and I'm glad you like it. I just thought others might like to know what it really is... Still not my cup of tea, but I haven't seen ich in ages, so I guess it shouldn't really matter to me, now should it?   :wink:



                              • #30
                                Re: Curing ICK...What's your best method?

                                Yeah once you're clear of ich for a few weeks, you are safe.

                                re:'s supposedly safe with anyhting. It hasn't affected my kuhlies.

                                My other hobby?Vroom![b]

