My clown loaches started doing some odd rubbing on the root they live under, so after coaxing them out I noticed there were some little tiny sprinkles on them - figured it is the start of ICH. Out of the 5 only 3 have this.
(BTW - I have a 55g. tank started 2 1/2 months ago, nitrites 0, ammo 0, pH 7.4, hard water, Nitrates 10. Feed them 3 x day. Have 5 clown loaches, 3 zebra loaches, 6 Otos, 4 glowlight tetras, 3 neon tetras, 4 leopard danios, 4 zebra danios, 2 cherry barbs, 2 algea shrimp, 1 guppy, & 1 female betta. I have an aqua clear 300 external filter with a sponge filter, carbon filter and a bio max insert. It is 50% live plants and 50% plastic. Food is fresh, they get tetra flakes and new life spectrum for the loaches. For a treat they get plankton.)
I read that this could be caused by stress and the male betta I had in there had started chasing them aorund. I got a female for him, but that was a disaster, so he is back in a bowl - poor bully! So, after much research this is what I did. Sunday a 35% water change. (Last one was a 20% 3 weeks ago.) Thoroughly vacummed, took out the root the clowns live under - what a mess - and vacummed the entire tank. I took out the carbon filter, added aquarium salt to the tank - directions said 1 tblsp per 5g water, but I only used 9. Dissolved part of it in water and the rest is in the tank in a plastic container, slowly dissolving. I also added Melafix 1 tsp per 5g water but I only used 9 tsp. And I turned the heater up to 82, where as it was at 79.
Now the clowns are going up and down in the corner of the tank. It looks like they are playing, but usually they hide under the root, and now they won't even go over there. Is this normal, or should I be concerned? :eh: Maybe they are jsut happy that the male betta is gone.
(BTW - I have a 55g. tank started 2 1/2 months ago, nitrites 0, ammo 0, pH 7.4, hard water, Nitrates 10. Feed them 3 x day. Have 5 clown loaches, 3 zebra loaches, 6 Otos, 4 glowlight tetras, 3 neon tetras, 4 leopard danios, 4 zebra danios, 2 cherry barbs, 2 algea shrimp, 1 guppy, & 1 female betta. I have an aqua clear 300 external filter with a sponge filter, carbon filter and a bio max insert. It is 50% live plants and 50% plastic. Food is fresh, they get tetra flakes and new life spectrum for the loaches. For a treat they get plankton.)
I read that this could be caused by stress and the male betta I had in there had started chasing them aorund. I got a female for him, but that was a disaster, so he is back in a bowl - poor bully! So, after much research this is what I did. Sunday a 35% water change. (Last one was a 20% 3 weeks ago.) Thoroughly vacummed, took out the root the clowns live under - what a mess - and vacummed the entire tank. I took out the carbon filter, added aquarium salt to the tank - directions said 1 tblsp per 5g water, but I only used 9. Dissolved part of it in water and the rest is in the tank in a plastic container, slowly dissolving. I also added Melafix 1 tsp per 5g water but I only used 9 tsp. And I turned the heater up to 82, where as it was at 79.
Now the clowns are going up and down in the corner of the tank. It looks like they are playing, but usually they hide under the root, and now they won't even go over there. Is this normal, or should I be concerned? :eh: Maybe they are jsut happy that the male betta is gone.