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Anyone got a DYI auto water change system?

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  • Anyone got a DYI auto water change system?

    So in an attempt to make my tanks more hands off I'm looking to install an auto water change system.

    Anyone got one set-up or know of any good links?
    I ate my fish that died.

  • #2

    "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


    • #3
      are you talking about like a drip system?
      I make people happy


      • #4
        A few months ago I bought a 125 gallon aquarium from a colleague. After realizing that I was never going to keep up with regular water changes on this beast I decided to search for an automatic water change solution. I examined the designs of many DIY auto water changers but quickly realized...
        25g - Reef
        3.5g - Surge Tank
        10g - Ichthyophthirius multifilis breeding colony


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mzungu View Post
          thats a good hands off option.


          • #6
            Hey not to sound dumb, But how does the drip system work.
            Life's to short to worry and too long to wait
            Its too short not to love everybody, and Life's too long to hate


            • #7
              Originally posted by mark razmandi View Post
              are you talking about like a drip system?
              Drip system would do fine. I saw John's set up and it looks doable. I just wanted more ideas before I start drilling holes in my wall.
              I ate my fish that died.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mzungu View Post
                I'm not ballin like that MB!
                I ate my fish that died.


                • #9
                  Got a drip system. 25 gal a day. Still have to w/c every couple 3 or 4 days. Side yard is a mud hole. Could plumb it to the sewer clean out. automatic w/c mikewhotrong would be the man.

                  Trophs & Petros ONLY


                  • #10
                    I'm thinking about doing this on my 75g. You remember how it's like an in-wall tank?

                    On the other side of the wall is the restroom.

                    I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to do the drain line. Any place that I can dump the water is higher than the water line in my sump.
                    I ate my fish that died.


                    • #11
                      DIY - How to Make an Automatic Water Change System by Wayne DesLauriers at Wayne'sWorldAngelfish This is a useful guide on how to plan, prepare, and implement an automatic water changing system to eliminate manual water changes, leaving you with hours of free time each week! To begin you...

                      This link my be useful for other people that might be interested. Decent reading.

                      But looking to do mine different from that.
                      I ate my fish that died.


                      • #12
                        t it off before sump to gt over water line is an idea
                        altums 90 gallon
                        fahaka puffer 68
                        community 60 cube

                        can't find it make it
                        can find it make it better


                        • #13
                          I have no idea what you just wrote.

                          Sorry, I'm a little drunk.
                          I ate my fish that died.


                          • #14
                            I have been thinking about doing this for a while now, but don't have it in my head on how to do it yet.


                            • #15
                              No problem dude. Thats what friends are for. Well I would like to do the same for my big tank but no way to get the water there. In that system you could always insert a carbon filter in between so you never have to add chemicals. Total hands free.
                              Resident fish bum
                              330G FOWLR
                              34G Reef
                              330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                              28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                              Treasurer, GHAC

