My son has to pick a subject for a 3rd grade science project.
I thought it would be really fun to do a study on the breeding of livebearers. In the interest of keeping this project on a third grade level, I thought that we could setup a simple 10 gallon tank with a mated pair of livebearers like mollies.
The project could be to study how one variable (temperature or food type) would affect the quantity of fry.
As an example, we could keep the tank at 75 degrees for a month and count the fry, then we could change it to 80 degrees and count for another month.
Alternatively, we could feed flakes one month and then frozen brine shrimp the next month.
I would really appreciate any input. What I am really looking for is a KNOWN variable that will result in a significant change in fry numbers. It would be a shame to do the project and not get any meaningful results.
I thought it would be really fun to do a study on the breeding of livebearers. In the interest of keeping this project on a third grade level, I thought that we could setup a simple 10 gallon tank with a mated pair of livebearers like mollies.
The project could be to study how one variable (temperature or food type) would affect the quantity of fry.
As an example, we could keep the tank at 75 degrees for a month and count the fry, then we could change it to 80 degrees and count for another month.
Alternatively, we could feed flakes one month and then frozen brine shrimp the next month.
I would really appreciate any input. What I am really looking for is a KNOWN variable that will result in a significant change in fry numbers. It would be a shame to do the project and not get any meaningful results.