I bought 8 black & gold angelfish at the last HAS auction. Their bodies were about fifty cent size and I considered them juvies.
I planed on giving them to my daughter for her birthday the following month so I expected to quaranteen them for that month. The problem is I didn't have any extra large quaranteen tanks so they wound up in a 20H that was a black molly spawn tank (trio of black mollies, a lot of java moss & about 20 molly fry).
First thing to go was all of the smaller molly fry. Next supprise 2 of the angels claimed a back corner and chaised everyone else away (mr clueless here).
then one of the other angels went missing and I assumed he had jumped. Yesterday I found a dead angel in the tank and removed it. Today I was skimming the duckweed off the top of the tank and scrubbing the green fuzzies off of the front glass when I discovered Mom & Dad chasing everyone away from their corner and returning to ride hurd on a white cloud in their corner. After cleaning my glasses I could see 40+ free swimming fry being gathered up from all over the tank and spit back into their corner.
Well I have removed the java moss, mollies & other angelfish. Turned off the HOB filter and added a sponge filter to the tank. I now have a bare tank with a half inch of crud on the floor and my Angelfish family. I added some liquid fry food, and some powdered food for egglayer fry and plan to start some BBS eggs in my hatcher tonight.
I have no idea how many mistakes I made here but I can guess. Constructive comments are appreciated.
1) Should I try to syphon the crud off the bottom of the tank or add snails or something to cleanup ?
2) When should I remove the parents.
3) What size tank should I put the parents in, if I plan on letting them raise the next brood ?
4) Is the 20H big enough to raise the 50 fry or should I prepare a larger tank for them ?
I planed on giving them to my daughter for her birthday the following month so I expected to quaranteen them for that month. The problem is I didn't have any extra large quaranteen tanks so they wound up in a 20H that was a black molly spawn tank (trio of black mollies, a lot of java moss & about 20 molly fry).
First thing to go was all of the smaller molly fry. Next supprise 2 of the angels claimed a back corner and chaised everyone else away (mr clueless here).
then one of the other angels went missing and I assumed he had jumped. Yesterday I found a dead angel in the tank and removed it. Today I was skimming the duckweed off the top of the tank and scrubbing the green fuzzies off of the front glass when I discovered Mom & Dad chasing everyone away from their corner and returning to ride hurd on a white cloud in their corner. After cleaning my glasses I could see 40+ free swimming fry being gathered up from all over the tank and spit back into their corner.
Well I have removed the java moss, mollies & other angelfish. Turned off the HOB filter and added a sponge filter to the tank. I now have a bare tank with a half inch of crud on the floor and my Angelfish family. I added some liquid fry food, and some powdered food for egglayer fry and plan to start some BBS eggs in my hatcher tonight.
I have no idea how many mistakes I made here but I can guess. Constructive comments are appreciated.
1) Should I try to syphon the crud off the bottom of the tank or add snails or something to cleanup ?
2) When should I remove the parents.
3) What size tank should I put the parents in, if I plan on letting them raise the next brood ?
4) Is the 20H big enough to raise the 50 fry or should I prepare a larger tank for them ?