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Mystery babies - need greenwater or alternative quick!

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  • Mystery babies - need greenwater or alternative quick!

    What, if anything, can be done to grown some green water quickly?  I believe my Celestial Pearl Danios (formerly known as Microrasbora Galaxies) spawned because when I was cleaning last night I found 3 super-tiny fry.  They are a fraction of the size of a newborn guppy and have a jerky swimming motion much like tetras.  4 rummynose tetras (which share that jerky swimming pattern) have only been in that tank since last Thurday.  I would think they'd want more time to feel 'at home' before spawning.  The only other critters in that tank are 6 or so amano shrimp, about 10 baby guppies, snails, kuhlii loaches, yoyo's, 2 standard bristlenose adults and 3 young (1.5"ish) albino longfin bristlenoses.  

    I'd likely have more fry, but some of the tank residents have probably been snacking.  Not to mention I may have vacuumed some of them out.  I'll be pulling out the tetras this evening.  I removed the yoyo's, amano's and kuhlii's last night, and put the 3 babies in a suspended net.  I don't know if this will hold them - it looks like they may fit through the holes.  I added some java moss to the net so maybe they'll like it in there and not try to leave, but only saw one this am.  I didn't have time to look very hard though - all 3 may all be in there.  I gave them some hikari fry food - the fine powder type - but I believe even that may be too big for them to eat.  

    Is there anything that can be made, brewed, obtained any quicker than green water?  I'd really like to see these guys make it even if just to find out what they are!

    Any help would be appreciated!
    The ultimate oxymoron - Narcolepsy and ADHD.
    Who says you can`t have it all??!!

  • #2
    Re: Mystery babies - need greenwater or alternative quick!

    I would probably just put some moss that has been in a tank in there so they can feed off micro stuff.
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      Re: Mystery babies - need greenwater or alternative quick!

      I think Scott had some green water.  See if he has some to spare?  

      What about your ponds in the back?  Some or one should have some green water.



      • #4
        Re: Mystery babies - need greenwater or alternative quick!

        That's what I was thinking, Raul. Scoop some water from your ponds/tanks that are outside. Just make sure you don't get any insect larva!
        And also, ek's right, the moss will definitely hold them over for a while.

        How exciting!
        "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


        • #5
          Re: Mystery babies - need greenwater or alternative quick!

          Start or buy a culture of infusoria, paramecium or microworms
          'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust ...'
          He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four-year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'


          • #6
            Re: Mystery babies - need greenwater or alternative quick!

            I put the ponds out back in mostly shade, so I wouldn't have green water!

            The big pond is clear other than the tint to it from all the stewpid webworm droppings from the pecan trees.  webworm poop is likely in any outdoor water container I've got.  That stuff gets everywhere - the worms are bad again this year.

            I just cleaned out my guppy pond Sunday after Rob picked out the guppies he wanted - no green water left in there  :(

            I have one cracked tank standing up on it's side next to the house, that may have a little green water, and is under the eave so likely no worm stuff in it (just a large red-wasp nest).  If so, I'll use some of that for them, and put the rest in a closed container with more water so I can get a jumpstart on more.

            Thanks for the advice!
            The ultimate oxymoron - Narcolepsy and ADHD.
            Who says you can`t have it all??!!


            • #7
              Re: Mystery babies - need greenwater or alternative quick!

              Couldn't you use some boiled egg yolk or something like so?
              700g Mini-Monster tank


              • #8
                Re: Mystery babies - need greenwater or alternative quick!

                Also, you might not necessarily need green water, per se, I was thinking more along the lines of all the infusoria and other critters that will be more plentiful in the outdoor ponds than the tanks inside.
                "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                • #9
                  Re: Mystery babies - need greenwater or alternative quick!

                  I can give you some in Crosby, actually between Crosby and Dayton. Yeast in water would not be so bad. Grass clippings or hay in water outside would create infusoria. My water is outside so you may have to filter out tadpoles and dragonfly larvae or whatever you do not want in there.


