I have an empty 55 gallon tank and was thinking of using it to breed some fish. I was thinking I'd let nature take it's course rather than net out mom/fry. Does anyone have any suggestions what would be fun and relatively easy? Right now there are a few goldfish in there to keep the cycle but they'll be booted once I figure out what to get. I have an oscar to feed any culls to or if I get overwhelmed with fry (I hope this doesn't offend anyone!). I have never purposely bred fish before but I've had "accidents" with peacock cichlids and livebearers in the past.
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breeding suggestions
Re: breeding suggestions
Brichardi are VERY easy, as are multis. Julies are kinda fun to watch as well. Why not grab some of rrocket2002's ice blue breeders ?
Then you have pretty most of the livebearers...Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.
Re: breeding suggestions
Are you interested in a particular type of fish, i.e. Cichlids, Tetras, Killies, Barbs, etc? And when you say easy, what exactly do you mean? Easy as in you don't have to provide live micro-food because the fry are so small, or you don't have to have incredibly specific water params? Would you want a large amount of fry? Just wondering what your preferences are.
Now, without taking any of that into account, Rainbows would be REALLY fun in a 55g to themselves, and beautiful!"Millennium hand and shrimp!"
Re: breeding suggestions
Well if you don't plan on catching the female and fry, you definitely need something where all members of the group have good parenting instincts. My Sunshines that I got from Rrocket have gone through a breeding cycle or two now and the male ended up eating all of the fry. What he didn't get the Petricolas did. Rrocket actually uses a moss in the tank with them so that they have refuge from the other adults. Just something to think about.
I don't mean to butt into this thread but does anyone know of another method of giving a safe....somewhat natural looking refuge for the mother and fry for breeding colony Peacocks????
Re: breeding suggestions
Here's how easy it is: Take one 75 Gallon tank, add 6 adult brichardi, feed fish 2 times a day, do 2 water changes a month wait 90 days and wala, 150 brichardi fry.......
Guess I will have to start doing more water changes now......
CFTruth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.
Re: breeding suggestions
When they are that big, you are more than welcome to a half dozen if you like.......right now, there are three different groups of fry, and the biggest are about 10 days or so from being ready to transport to a new home....say about the end of the month for sure.
Here's is an example of how big the big ones are: >----O
PS....all the mystery fry survived and are doing very well.....and the hongi too....Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.
Re: breeding suggestions
Yeah decide on what you want to keep and go from there.
What I like to do is pick a species that is somewhat hard to breed and sought after in the market....that way when they do start breeding it's an accomplishment and it will be easy to unload all the broods you get from it instead of having a house full of fish you can't give away.700g Mini-Monster tank
Re: breeding suggestions
Well, here's the whole story. I don't have room for growout tanks (or anymore tanks period). So whatever I keep has to stay in the 55 gallon. I can put some java moss in there for the fry to hide in and there are lots of rocks and crevices to hide in. I am leaning towards some type of african cichlid (malawi). I think they would be the most fun for me. I also think if I had a species tank it would look very stunning. I've been looking through a book I have at the different species and I like this pseudotropheus species where the male is blue and the female is orange. The book is outdated but suggests it is a member of the zebra family, not sure if they've classified it yet. I've seen it around town so I know it wouldn't be hard to find.
I'm not worried about being overrun by fry, I have my lil' oscar to feed any excessive ones to. I like feeding him live fish as a supplement and it would be nice not to have to quarantine feeders, plus I won't have to worry about their nutritional content. I guess if I get too many adults then I'll have to sell/trade them in. I guess that's where keeping the rarer ones would come in handy.
I'll keep looking, no rush. It's been empty for awhile now...58G Malawis
10G planted