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Good News Bad News

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  • Good News Bad News

    Well the good news is my marble angels have paired up and spawned. Bad new is they laid the eggs on my 200wt heater. What are the chances these things survive being directly on the heater? Will post pics later today.

  • #2
    In a community tank they don't have much of a chance. You can unplug the heater but the other fish Will make meal out of the eggs.
    You can remove the eggs and hatch them out in a 1 to 2 gal. jar. By putting the heater eggs and all in the jar with an air stone. The eggs will hatch in 48 hours. They will be wigglies on the heater for 5 days. after the 5 days is up. You will need to feed the free swimmers. They are very small and can eat fresh hatched brine shrimp. No more thin 1 day old. You can keep them in the jar for about 8 to 10 weeks. The water in the jar will need to be changed 50% everyday to keep the water fresh and clean.
    Hope this helps.
    Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


    • #3
      +1 with tanks the eggs wont last long. even if the parents do defend the eggs and they make it through the day, fish like plecos will clean it out overnight. he gave good advice on how to grow them out too

      if you dont have it already, you may want to give the angels more options to lay eggs. having flat rocks like slate give angels good surfaces that can be easily removed to hatch the fry and grow them out.

      its trial and error but they will spawn again relatively soon


      • #4
        Thanks for the tips. Its funny because I do have sveral flat stones in that same area as the heater along with a pieve of slate. I will take rhe egss out an put rhem in a jar an see how it goea from there


        • #5
          How often would I change rhe water in the ja r?


          • #6
            Every day.put methaline blue in water


            • #7
              Got home from work and eggs were gone. Better luck next time.


              • #8
                They will spawn again. Most the time it will be right after a water change.
                Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...

