What is needed/ recommended/ tips for breeding guppies? I have a 20 gallon quarantine tank with ghost shrimp currently. What is a good ratio male to female for breeding guppies? I remember when i was a kid that i didn't do much at all.
The feeders are for a 3"oscar, 5" bichir, 5" spotted climbing perch, 11" s. decorus (catfish), 2- 6" yoyo loaches
What is needed/ recommended/ tips for breeding guppies? I have a 20 gallon quarantine tank with ghost shrimp currently. What is a good ratio male to female for breeding guppies? I remember when i was a kid that i didn't do much at all.
The feeders are for a 3"oscar, 5" bichir, 5" spotted climbing perch, 11" s. decorus (catfish), 2- 6" yoyo loaches