I have a lot of spawning activity going on and don't want to bore people every time a fish spawns! But sometimes I just have to share a spawning success. A few days ago a gold female severum and a red male severum spawned. It took 2 days to know if it was a good spawn and it sure is good. There is a high percentage of unfertilized eggs but I think he will get better with more experience. Probably half the eggs didn't hatch. But that still leaves several hundred wigglers. I especially like that it is a mixed marriage. This will produce some red severums and some gold severums. Time will tell what percentage of each. But the offspring will be genetically stronger than if 2 reds spawned. Here are some pics of the happy couple. I don't have any pics of the spawn because all you would see is the white infertile eggs. The live ones are all over the tank and it is hard to get a good pic of them. I had the pair in a 100 gallon tank with other severums but they now have their own honeymoon suite. It is a 40 breeder. I put them in there tonight.
I got the female from Ptran and I got the male from Outofexile86. So, congratulations to you guys!

I see the male has been getting his tail nipped. I have a red shoulder severum much smaller than him that thinks he is the king of the tank. I bet he is the tail nipper.
I got the female from Ptran and I got the male from Outofexile86. So, congratulations to you guys!
I see the male has been getting his tail nipped. I have a red shoulder severum much smaller than him that thinks he is the king of the tank. I bet he is the tail nipper.