I have had my brackish tank for about 4 months now. its a 40gal with a 50gal filter. I keep 2 puffers 2 archers and 3 bumblebee gobies. The fish are healthy and the tank is nice with the plastic plants and driftwood I have but I really love live plants. I did a little research and came up with java moss, java fern, anubias and vallisneria as good candidates to avoid predation and absorbing salt. I bought a few of each in an attempt to plant my tank and within a week they were all dead or dying (except the anubias). the vallisneria actually did very well until my puffers started aquascaping my tank and clipped them all at the base...partially.
The anubias was fine until, you guessed it, the puffers started clipping the leaves at which point they started to die. anyone have any ideas? My java moss seems to be doing okay but everything else doesnt seem to work. My SG is at 1.010 if anyone has any input id love it.
The anubias was fine until, you guessed it, the puffers started clipping the leaves at which point they started to die. anyone have any ideas? My java moss seems to be doing okay but everything else doesnt seem to work. My SG is at 1.010 if anyone has any input id love it.