Thanks to Petco and their cheap tank sale, my lil buddy is getting a new 29g home. I had purchased a Fluval Edge before deciding on going with a Figure 8 puffer and he has been housed in that for the last month, but I know that was too small for him and he was getting bored. This is gonna be a lot of tank for a 1.25" puffer to play in. Got everything setup last night and it's running with an Aquaclear 50 and some live sand. I used Live marine sand and some of the media from the Edge. Should I start a dose of Stability when I move him or should this be enough? The SG is 1.008-1.009 in the new tank. (.001 above the old one)
He won't be moved today or tomorrow, I am going to allow as much time as possible for things to stabilize
He won't be moved today or tomorrow, I am going to allow as much time as possible for things to stabilize