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  • #16
    Re: Puffers!

    I only mention the nitrogen cycle because it is the most basic information for keeping an aquarium. And Fish R Us doesn't seem to give even that info to new customers.

    I've seen several examples of FRS giving bad/no advice.
    "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" -- Benjamin Frankli


    • #17
      Re: Puffers!

      i had a puffer fish, they need lots of attention. mine died after about a month, he just dies tho.


      • #18
        Re: Puffers!

        Thanks, I was just curious if there was more work involved with one than what I am currently doing for my green spotted puffer. My green spotted puffer is doing awesome and I want to move up to a MBU.
        Live Fast, Die Young, Leave A Good Looking Corpse!

        Been in hobby since March 2006


        • #19
          Re: Puffers!

          i just got a new mbu after some time of not having one. yeah at a max of 3' better have somethin big lined up. mine eats better than i do: live crawfish, frozen shrimp, chopped sea foods, etc.

          i wouldnt say theyre much harder to keep than most any other puffer, just the size issue.
          - When Life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make Life take the damn lemons back!


          • #20
            Re: Puffers!

            big_A - I'm not sure I understand what you meant in your post?
            "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


            • #21
              Re: Puffers!

              OUr water tested normal in the puffer tank and I did a water change this morning which was humerous. The puffer was just following my siphon around....bumping it with his body. Too cute.

              Coop...I just did a google search on mbu's and made sure what the water temps were, their diet, etc. We are keeping the water temps in the low-mid 80's and I do water changes every few days. They are messy eaters!! Luckily the 2 frontosas we put in there pick at the left over shrimp. They will eat what the puffer eats far they are good tank mates for the mbu.


              • #22
                Re: Puffers!

                Originally posted by Mzungu";p="
                big_A - I'm not sure I understand what you meant in your post?
                I think he meant to say "he just died though"


                • #23
                  Re: Puffers!

                  Thanks. Thats pretty much what goes on with my puffer now. All the fish seem to love shrimp and krill, especially my jack dempsey. He cant seem to get enough. I may step up soon. How much did you end up paying for yours? Thanks.
                  Live Fast, Die Young, Leave A Good Looking Corpse!

                  Been in hobby since March 2006


                  • #24
                    Re: Puffers!

                    Hi, many if you know me as Scott's wife. I must confess I am a puffer lover. I have a dwarf puffer I have had for about  a year and a half. His name is Puff Daddy. Puff daddy was my office mate for over a year then he became bored. He is now in our tetra tank where he's happy with all the activity. I also have a Nile Puffer or Fahaka Puffer named Fransois.
                    He has the most beautiful eyes. He is just like a little puppy dog. It seems like every time he sees me he gets excited a wags his tail. Talking about them being messy, Scott and I were at the Pet store the other day and he could not figure out what I was looking for. I told him I was looking  for a pooper scooper for the Puffer.  They make them for dogs and cats. Why not fish? He just looked at me and rolled his eyes.  


                    • #25
                      Re: Puffers!

                      Honestly I don't know what my husband paid for him. He just brought him home! I would think around $100....maybe? That's usually the price range I see in lfs. I've seen them priced at $189 in some stores....ouch.


                      • #26
                        Re: Puffers!

                        Puffers are pretty neat little guys, but can be really sensitive. Most LFS puffers will have some problem or another due to shipping. Bites, nipped fins, missing appendages, external/internal parasites.... If you can manage to get a puffer in good shape they are very cool. Food-wise they are a little more difficult than tossing in a few flakes (they need things like snails, shrimp, other things to keep their teeth worn down).
                        With a little dedication puffers can be really cool pets and they live for quite awhile. You just need to make sure you get information on how to keep them. Like green spotted puffers...most people think they're FW, since they're always sold like that..but they are brackish-saltwater. Etc, etc, etc...


                        • #27
                          Re: Puffers!

                          I was thinking about starting a 55 gallon tank for my bumble bee gobies (I have 4) and I was wondering if a dwarf puffer would fit in? The guy at Fish-R-Fun told me that dwarf puffers are slightly brackish. I have no clue what "slightly brackish" is, so I refrained from buying him. Is a dwarf puffer a proper tank mate for my gobies? They were sooo adorable. They look like little pooches. (: Any and all advice is greatly appreciated.
                                                                                                                     Kind Regards.
                          Help support (C)atfish (A)nd (K)ool Pleco's; Houston's premier fish club
                          Alexa Rae
                          Co-President of CAK
                          MAY THE GOD OF YOUR CHOICE BLESS YOU.


                          • #28
                            Re: Puffers!

                            The dwarf puffers that are sold as pea puffers are freshwater, green spot and figure 8's are brackish like bumble bee gobies.  

                            Check out
                            700g Mini-Monster tank


                            • #29
                              Re: Puffers!

                              Thats fish r us for ya
                              "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" -- Benjamin Frankli


                              • #30
                                Re: Puffers!

                                Originally posted by alexarae";p="
                                I have no clue what "slightly brackish" is, so I refrained from buying him.
                                Good thinking! Like ek said, they're freshwater. But be sure to let us hear all about the 55g goby tank!  
                                "Millennium hand and shrimp!"

