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need some help please

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  • need some help please

    hello everyone
    i have a 35 gallon tank that i am setting up. but im haveing trouble with the filter primeing. i have never done this before. the guy at the pet store said to just fill
    it with water and turn it on, but that dont work, the moter is on but the water
    aint flowing. i filled the tube with water, but that didnt work either. it is a filter
    that hangs on the back of the tank. i also have a under gravle filter that he said i
    should get rid of. i already have the water in the tank with 2 inchs of gravle that
    slopes up to make a hill in the back of the tank. so it goes from 2 inchs in the front of the tank to 4 inchs in the what are your alls ideas on the under gravle
    filter should i chunk it or not?

    thanks bill

  • #2
    Your hang over the back filter (HOB) should start by filling it completely with water. If it does not work then there is one of two issues. 1. Either the tube is not installed correctly to allow suction to start, or 2, the impeller is either broken or its not turning. You can check the impeller by taking the filter off the tank, then usually remove the motor, which depending on what brand you got maybe easy or not so easy. Once the filter is out you can get to the impeller. If you turn the magnet in your hand does the blades turn with the magnet or it able to run free. If it runs free this is a problem.. Make sure that your holding the magnet in the same direction as how its installed in the HOB. The blades should be at the top.
    The second issue is if the magnet is cracked, then you are out too.

    What fish do Jesper have
    180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
    Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
    58 S. Decorus

    "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


    • #3
      Try moving the prop around a bit. I say you should keep the under gravel fiter.
      Fish are people too, they just have gills.


      • #4
        Ohh and welcome to the HFB !

        What fish do Jesper have
        180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
        Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
        58 S. Decorus

        "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


        • #5

          heard somewhere that undergravel filters are bad for cichlid tanks but i agree with microworm guy. keep the undergravel filter and your water will be cleaner.

          im a fan of the hang on back overflow filters and have had the same issues ( many times). But i love them because they work really WELL. you need to unplug the filter and then remove the top, then the suction tube. down near the bottom of where the tube goes is an impeller ( propeller ) looking device, try to clean it and make sure there is nothing caught in or around it. It can also be pulled out for inspection. make sure the motor and the impeller have nothing stuck on or in them. the impeller is make of hard plastic ( or something) so it doesnt hurt you. put the impeller back into the hole ( its magnetic so sometimes it feels stuck) if you took it out , put the impellor back where it goes, fill the filter with water. plug it in and it should make all kinds of noise ( whooshing the water around ). if you hear the whooshing, just slide the suction tube back into place, and then the sound will change and you should see the filter priming itself.

          most likely the impeller was just magnetic'ally hung, and sometimes all you had to do was twist it to get it spinning.
          if you do as i say and it still dont work , but you know the impellor is spinning, you need to check the suction tube for cracks or holes that are breaking the vaccuum. just post another message and ill tell you how to test for holes or cracks. many times when my filters stop, i just pull up the tube, and then when you push it back down , the movement causes the impeller to start again. some times it has sucked up a plant stem and it just takes some cleaning off to get it working. but if the filter is new and your just trying to prime it for the first time.
          wiggle the suction tube when you pull it off , then put it back on and it should fix it. or use a finger to turn the impeller ( it dont hurt u ) its plastic. to be safe use a pencil ( eraser end) or something like that if your worried . good luck .

          and then i noticed the moderator already said this. i also forgot to notice, if your using an undergravel filter ( i think ) it works better if you keep your gravel all the same depth. and maybe closer to 1-1/2 - 2" deep. 4 inches of gravel will definately mean you need powerheads instead of bubblestones on the uplift tubes.
          im almost positive with 4 inches of gravel , the filter will only be working corrctly towards the front of your tank.
          you have any idea what type of fish your gonna keep?
          Last edited by sacrimontis; 05-08-2009, 08:40 PM. Reason: im dumb


          • #6
            well i got the prop out and the magnet has no cracks in it, and the prop
            does not spin freeley. the prop turns when i plug it in and i can see the
            water moveing. the tube is in the right place because it has two groves
            it fits in. i guess maybe the moter just aint strong enough.



            • #7
              Originally posted by sacrimontis View Post
              heard somewhere that undergravel filters are bad for cichlid tanks but i agree with microworm guy. keep the undergravel filter and your water will be cleaner.

              im a fan of the hang on back overflow filters and have had the same issues ( many times). But i love them because they work really WELL. you need to unplug the filter and then remove the top, then the suction tube. down near the bottom of where the tube goes is an impeller ( propeller ) looking device, try to clean it and make sure there is nothing caught in or around it. It can also be pulled out for inspection. make sure the motor and the impeller have nothing stuck on or in them. the impeller is make of hard plastic ( or something) so it doesnt hurt you. put the impeller back into the hole ( its magnetic so sometimes it feels stuck) if you took it out , put the impellor back where it goes, fill the filter with water. plug it in and it should make all kinds of noise ( whooshing the water around ). if you hear the whooshing, just slide the suction tube back into place, and then the sound will change and you should see the filter priming itself.

              most likely the impeller was just magnetic'ally hung, and sometimes all you had to do was twist it to get it spinning.
              if you do as i say and it still dont work , but you know the impellor is spinning, you need to check the suction tube for cracks or holes that are breaking the vaccuum. just post another message and ill tell you how to test for holes or cracks. many times when my filters stop, i just pull up the tube, and then when you push it back down , the movement causes the impeller to start again. some times it has sucked up a plant stem and it just takes some cleaning off to get it working. but if the filter is new and your just trying to prime it for the first time.
              wiggle the suction tube when you pull it off , then put it back on and it should fix it. or use a finger to turn the impeller ( it dont hurt u ) its plastic. to be safe use a pencil ( eraser end) or something like that if your worried . good luck .

              and then i noticed the moderator already said this. i also forgot to notice, if your using an undergravel filter ( i think ) it works better if you keep your gravel all the same depth. and maybe closer to 1-1/2 - 2" deep. 4 inches of gravel will definately mean you need powerheads instead of bubblestones on the uplift tubes.
              im almost positive with 4 inches of gravel , the filter will only be working corrctly towards the front of your tank.
              you have any idea what type of fish your gonna keep?

              i know the prop is turning i can see the water moveing when i plug it in.
              could i be putting to much water in it i am filling it all the way up? no i
              dont know what kind of fish im going to put in it yet.

              thanks bill


              • #8
                Fill up the HOB until water flows back into the tank. Make sure everything is flooded in the filter. You have to let it run for about a minute before everything should be running 100%.. it takes a little time for the suction to be established, but once running it will keep running without a problem.

                What fish do Jesper have
                180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
                Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
                58 S. Decorus

                "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


                • #9
                  Also make sure the water level in the tank is at the top so that the pump does not have to siphon against gravity.
                  700g Mini-Monster tank


                  • #10
                    Maybe if we knew what brand of filter you had, we could give more specific directions. Sounds like Zulaab gave you all the correct info on how to get things rolling. Sometimes my Aquaclear takes a good 30 seconds to get going but my Whispers start up immediately. I've never used an undergravel filter, but i've always heard they are more hassle than help. good luck and welcome the box.
                    If it ain't wild caught
                    You ain't doing it right


                    • #11

                      once the water level reaches the fill tube and gets past the fish guard its full enough.
                      its always working against gravity.


                      • #12
                        well i`v tryed everything and can not get it to prime so i`m going to get a new filter. i took the under gravel filter out. thanks for everyones help.


