Ok, this is the before, playground sand substrate with a little tiny bit of small gravel on the right hand side..
Problem is, the two draogn goby's would muck the water up by throwing so much sand around.. it looked bad and I was afraid for damage to my filters.
SOOOOO, heres the after pic

I bought a 20 gallon Tall tank and scooped out the fish for temporary placement, drained the water, carried the fishtank outside (if your wondering how... I called my neighbor up, told him I had a six pack of beer left over from the weekend and wasn't going to drink it.. asked him if he wanted it, he was on my porch before I could hang up.. so I slipped in the "Hey man, since your here....." routine. Worked like a charm.
Anyways, pulled the tank outside, hosed it out really good, scrubbed it down and whatnot, then drug it back inside. I bought 2 bags of flourite, 50 pounds of black gravel and 25 pounds of white gravel, after a thourogh rinsing I layed the flourite down first, then mixed the black/white together and layed them down on top.
I filled the water back up, inserted my plants and a few decorations and added some of the fish back in.
After I got the tank back up and running though I had a couple of delimas.
1, I developed a case of mts I swore i would never get... the 20 gallon "temporary" tank is now a permanent fixture in my bedroom and
2, I decided to take this opportunity to clarify the direction of my tank.
More to come in next post.