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I hate aquascaping ...with pictures

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  • #16
    i did like the holey rock you had at first tho
    210 gallon ~ S/A, C/A build; jaguar, dovii, flowerhorn, gold doviI, 2 red devils, pacu, shovel nose cat
    125 gallon long ~ African cichlids
    10 gallon ~ ghost shrimp breeding (fish treats) haha


    • #17
      man.... everybody has holey rock..... yours looks more original.....just respcape the right side ..... you don't necesarily need to use all the rocks.
      25g - Reef
      3.5g - Surge Tank
      10g - Ichthyophthirius multifilis breeding colony


      • #18
        well make your way over here soon lol


        • #19
          wheres here? im off of work on monday
          25g - Reef
          3.5g - Surge Tank
          10g - Ichthyophthirius multifilis breeding colony


          • #20
   my location lol


            • #21
              If your looking for critiques, I'd say redo is needed.
              380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
              300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
              180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
              150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola


              • #22
                but i really like that rocks
                380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
                300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
                180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
                150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola


                • #23
                  well damn...i dont have an eye for this crap


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Delock View Post
           my location lol
                    always a mystery...... i'm not saying i'm much help but if you want i could come over and help you move around those huge rocks and give you another opinion
                    25g - Reef
                    3.5g - Surge Tank
                    10g - Ichthyophthirius multifilis breeding colony


                    • #25


                      • #26
                        if you need a hand and an extra eye, i will be available tomorrow


                        • #27
                          Dude I like it I kind of agree about the right and left side but it wouldnt be an eye sore if you left it the way it is.
                          Resident fish bum
                          330G FOWLR
                          34G Reef
                          330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                          28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                          Treasurer, GHAC


                          • #28
                            D- knowing what is going to go into the tank, I would say completely redo the tank and use a complete different approach to the rock work.
                            Because the male is going to want to make 2ft diameter pits, and those are not going to be possible in a tank environment with your current rock work. I know where you wanted to go with this, but in a tank environment this is not going to be possible.
                            You are going to need a lot more open area's and like a troph tank a single large rock formation in the the middle where the females can hang out at while your males can take the open area and give them the space need to build their pits which is their essential needs covered.

                            What fish do Jesper have
                            180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
                            Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
                            58 S. Decorus

                            "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


                            • #29
                              Jesper makes a really good point. If you wanted to maximize the potential of those fish, you could reverse the order of the 2262's I/O on the right hand side of the tank, keep those two outer most jets pointed up and away, and leave both ends of the tank wide open with about another inch of sand so they could make their beds.

                              That, or you could stick with the slate, but make large plateau about eight inches from the bed with the top piece on one (or either) side. Make it perfectly level, and put a bunch of sand on it. Your male might be enticed to make a bed from that pile of sand, and it will be up away from the other males/predators as they like - or so at least I've read..
                              Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


                              • #30
                                Yeah the thing is that in nature the plateau's have already plenty of sand up there.. in a tank setup this is going to be difficult to add a TON of sand up higher because at some point its just going to all fall down.

                                What fish do Jesper have
                                180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
                                Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
                                58 S. Decorus

                                "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher

