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I hate aquascaping ...with pictures

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  • #31
    D, don't lay the rocks flat like that point them upwards. Left side rocks pointing sightly left and right side rocks point sightly right.

    I would break some of the rocks. Use Large, medium, and small rocks gives is a more bended look.

    But than again, what do I know. Just IMHO bro.

    If anything call luis.
    I ate my fish that died.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Zulaab View Post
      Yeah the thing is that in nature the plateau's have already plenty of sand up there.. in a tank setup this is going to be difficult to add a TON of sand up higher because at some point its just going to all fall down.
      Don't take away my dream-scape!
      Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


      • #33
        man i have been staring at your pictures and i think the problem is you need 2 kinds of rock not just 1
        Tropheus Elitist Maximus
        150 Troph & Petro mix Link
        ** P.Trewavasae P.F.Chimba **
        ** T.Zongwe**

        150 Tropheus Moorii "Murago" Link


        • #34
          you should just scratch the whole idea of a new tank and instead give it to me.
          25g - Reef
          3.5g - Surge Tank
          10g - Ichthyophthirius multifilis breeding colony


          • #35
            fish like the tank


            • #36
              I dont think it looks horrible...and if the fish like it then isnt that what really matters? In my personal opinion, I dont care for the slate rocks...but it is far from being an "eye-sore".
              250gallon-Wild Angels, community


              • #37
                Actually it's not that bad..could be better and could be worse. For the most part i'm glad it's like this for the unexpected tank mate..


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Delock View Post
                  fish like the tank
                  wheres the fish pics at?
                  25g - Reef
                  3.5g - Surge Tank
                  10g - Ichthyophthirius multifilis breeding colony


                  • #39
                    The rockwork looks better in person than in pictures.

                    myjohnson brings up a good point about tilting some of the rocks. Its an Iwagumi thing.

                    Your fish will be happy in that setup - funny looking one included. :)
                    Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
                    Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
                    Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
                    Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.


                    • #40


                      • #41
                        just call luis...or did you already?
                        I ate my fish that died.


                        • #42
                          did not call him yet...he a very busy person


                          • #43
                            now that school is out for me I can come help if you want dude.
                            I ate my fish that died.


                            • #44
                              I used slate for a while in my troph tank and they did well even though it wasn't in the conventional orientation (two large piles). But, it worked and I got fry. You'll get tired of it and rescape soon.


                              • #45
                                are your two most recent pix what your tank looks like now? i'm lost...sry that happens easily this late lol.

                                on the original rockwork, consider adding a different type of rock to change things up. i love the color, and it's really unique. i bet it does look better in person. try for a touch more consistency, but not symmetry, because the uniformity will be bland. all in all, add one large piece of holey rock in the middle and that might tie the whole thing together. but don't get rid of what you have, because it's really nice.

                                and just cause i'm nosey...what weird fish?
                                140 New World Cichlids
                                125 African Lakes Victoria and Malawi
                                80 Lake Tanganyika (Burundi Frontosas)
                                30 Pundamilia Neyerie Ruti Island group
                                29 Tropical Semi Aggressive/Community
                                And to January it was just the 29...)

