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Need Help!! Canister and bulkheads

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  • Need Help!! Canister and bulkheads

    I just recently bought a 54 gl RR corner tank and the bulkheads are one on each side of the glass towards the back corner not on the bottom glass. My question is if i hook up my XP4 canister filter to it should I
    1.) Take off the overflow on it?
    2.) Leave it the overflow? - Wondering if it will suck air into the canister?
    3.) Take off overflow and plug bulk heads up? - Just use the canister regularly with its intake/output.
    4.) Not use the canister and try and find a sump?

    Any opinions will be greatly appreciated if you have other options on setup please let me know. :) :) :) :)

    thanks :)


  • #2
    Other option would also be to take off overflow baffle and plug the canister to bulkheads like if you would be doing them as if they were on the bottom glass. This is for a SW set up..

    thanks everyone


    • #3
      Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


      • #4
        I never understood why people buy RR tanks then take out the overflow. Seems like a waste to me. If you've already got it on there, I would take advantage of it and just wait and find a sump for it. Works best for biological filtration IMO. What kind of tank you plan on setting it up as?


        • #5
          Nonetheless, if you decide not to use a sump and use a canister instead, I think you should leave the overflow in there. Just plug up the bulkheads in case you decide to add a sump later. Plus, it helps resale value too.


          • #6
            thanks guys i willl find a sump for it - also it was not RR the guy i bought it from said he made it rr and drilled the two back walls by the bottom corner. thanks guys for the info.



            • #7
              Oh, I was thinking it was a pre-fab RR tank. If you can't find a sump, just make one out of rubber maid tubs.


              • #8
                cool thanks j-ws6 i appreciate your help i just got back from home depot i bought the plugs n also bought the plumbing to make it go into a sump thanks


                • #9
                  cool thanks j-ws6 i appreciate your help i just got back from home depot i bought the plugs n also bought the plumbing to make it go into a sump thanks

