My husband brought me home a surprise from Austin today. Â He stopped in at River City Aquatics today in Austin. Â He brought me home some blue dolphins. Â They are adorable. Â He brought five, but two of them didn't survive the stress of it all. Â All is well in my tank and all the other fish are doing well, so I do assume it was stress. Â I do believe that River City Aquatics did their best packaging them all up. Â They were all in individual bags with medication for stress and a little food and packed into a Styrofoam container. Â My husband bought four females and one male. Â It was two of the females that didn't make it. Â RCA has a 7 day guarantee on their fish with no questions asked. Â We are going to make the trip from Houston to Austin to go there this weekend. Â My husband said it is the ultimate fish store with very knowledgeable people. Â I'm real anxious to check it out. Â He said they have some awesome tanks too. Â
The Blue Dolphins seem to get along okay with the Yellow Labs, Red Empress and the Electric Blues. Â My husband ordered another kind of Chiclid that come from Lake Malawi. Â My memory is failing me as to what kind they are. Â
I'm really enjoying all of these adorable little creatures. Â If I have time tomorrow, I'm going to take some more pictures of my tank and I'll post them for your viewing pleasure. Â :)
Oh, Randy said that RCA has some real nice Holey Rock for .99 a pound.
The Blue Dolphins seem to get along okay with the Yellow Labs, Red Empress and the Electric Blues. Â My husband ordered another kind of Chiclid that come from Lake Malawi. Â My memory is failing me as to what kind they are. Â
I'm really enjoying all of these adorable little creatures. Â If I have time tomorrow, I'm going to take some more pictures of my tank and I'll post them for your viewing pleasure. Â :)
Oh, Randy said that RCA has some real nice Holey Rock for .99 a pound.