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Blue Dolphins (Cyrtocara Moori)

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  • Blue Dolphins (Cyrtocara Moori)

    My husband brought me home a surprise from Austin today.  He stopped in at River City Aquatics today in Austin.  He brought me home some blue dolphins.  They are adorable.  He brought five, but two of them didn't survive the stress of it all.  All is well in my tank and all the other fish are doing well, so I do assume it was stress.  I do believe that River City Aquatics did their best packaging them all up.  They were all in individual bags with medication for stress and a little food and packed into a Styrofoam container.  My husband bought four females and one male.  It was two of the females that didn't make it.  RCA has a 7 day guarantee on their fish with no questions asked.  We are going to make the trip from Houston to Austin to go there this weekend.  My husband said it is the ultimate fish store with very knowledgeable people.  I'm real anxious to check it out.  He said they have some awesome tanks too.  

    The Blue Dolphins seem to get along okay with the Yellow Labs, Red Empress and the Electric Blues.  My husband ordered another kind of Chiclid that come from Lake Malawi.  My memory is failing me as to what kind they are.  

    I'm really enjoying all of these adorable little creatures.  If I have time tomorrow, I'm going to take some more pictures of my tank and I'll post them for your viewing pleasure.  :)

    Oh, Randy said that RCA has some real nice Holey Rock for .99 a pound.


  • #2
    Re: Blue Dolphins (Cyrtocara Moori)

    Did you take any pictures? I'd like to see! Did your husband order cichlids from RCA, or somewhere else?
    "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


    • #3
      Re: Blue Dolphins (Cyrtocara Moori)

      Hi.  Hubby ordered the new fish we have coming from someone on Ebay.  He is supposed to ship them today or tomorrow.
      We are heading to RCA this next weekend.  I can hardly wait!!  

      Here are four links to pictures of my fish.  :)

      Jaclin's Fish 1
      Jaclin's Fish 2

      They sure are adorable.  :)



      • #4
        Re: Blue Dolphins (Cyrtocara Moori)

        By the way, is that a picture of your bird?  I raised parrots for 10 years.  I had African Greys and Eclectus mostly.  My husband got sick with his treatment of HEP C for a whole year.  It was horrible.  I had to rehome my precious birds and go on the road in our semi truck with him for a year.  That is over with Thank God and now I have a little Cockatiel that I got from a lady locally that needed to rehome him.  I am planning on an African Grey when I can find a nice one for a good deal.  :)



        • #5
          Re: Blue Dolphins (Cyrtocara Moori)

          Yup, that's my bird. She's a Jenday Conure. She's almost 5.  

          Are you planning on getting a Grey through adoption or something similar? If I had the time, room, and if my bird weren't the center of the universe   , I'd love to get a couple more through a rescue org.

          The fish look great! But I have to admit, it's really hard to take my eyes off that rock!
          "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


          • #6
            Re: Blue Dolphins (Cyrtocara Moori)

            Birds sure are great companions aren't they?  I love Rosey to pieces!!  Rosey is actually a boy.  The previous owners did not know how to tell the difference between the males and females.  I figured he was used to his name, so I just left it.  I've taught him to say Gimmie Kisses and make the kissing noise, pretty bird and tickle tickle with a little laugh after it.  He is so adorable and loves for me to scritch his little precious head.

            Oh yeah, I love love love my rock!  :)  Now I do wish I had bought one from RCA because of the price difference.  RCA also cuts their rocks to be level which is a big plus.  The one I got from Aqua Zoo was cut and I'm real happy with it.  

            I'm not sure where I will find an African Grey.  I was thinking of a local breeder, but a rescue would be great too.  I'm just afraid of an older bird because of the possible psychologial damage one may have and you know how birds can hold a grudge!!  If you have any suggestions on where I should check, please let me know.  

            By the way, it is hard for me to pay attention to what is in your tank other than your fish because they are so gorgeous and full of personality.  I love how some of them look like they are smiling!  :)



            • #7
              Re: Blue Dolphins (Cyrtocara Moori)

              One of my cockatiels is named Rosie also!  



              • #8
                Re: Blue Dolphins (Cyrtocara Moori)

                Thanks, Jaclin, for the fish compliments! I'm not sure about any specific organizations, but I'll let you know if I hear anything. And I love cockatiels!

                Be sure to post some pics of the new fish when they've arrived!
                "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                • #9
                  Re: Blue Dolphins (Cyrtocara Moori)

                  Originally posted by Ellen";p="
                  One of my cockatiels is named Rosie also!  

                  Oh that is funny.  :)  I assume yours is a girl?  lol  Rosie is such a little sweetheart.  He was a year old when I got him and he was raised strictly on seeds.  I've been trying to get him to eat cooked food and fruit and veggies.  I am even making him sprouts.  He doesn't want anything to do with any of it.  I'm still giving it to him anyway.  I have him on my shoulder and he seems real content to just sit there while I type.  I have his cage not too terribly far from the fish tank.  I don't think he liked that at first, but seems to be pretty used to it now.  :)  The fish for sure don't seem to give a patottie about Rosey.  lol



                  • #10
                    Re: Blue Dolphins (Cyrtocara Moori)

                    You're welcome for the fish compliments.  They are well deserved!  Okay..... I have to admit....... I'm hoping the guy from Ebay does the right thing and actually sends the fish.  He had decent enough feedback.  But..... he said he ships daily in the auction.  When I called him to see when he shipped them a few days ago, he said that he only ships on Monday or Tuesday and that it would probably be Tuesday.  That kind of pissed me off, but I kept my trap shut.  I'll just to to Austin to my new favorite place next time.  I may even look locally.  lol  Anyway, when (if), I receive them on Wednesday, I'll get some pictures.  


