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juvies or adults?

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  • juvies or adults?

    i would like some opinions, i am wondering which yall think is better, for the initial stocking of a cichlid tank.
    also, share your ideas for managing aggression in a cichlid tank.

    buying juvie cichlids and raising them together,
    buying subadults or adults and letting them hash it out until they come to an aggreement so to speak.

    i personally tried the second one, and it didnt work, they never came to any sort of aggreement

    i am wanting some personal experience on the matter.
    i feel this thread could help others when thinking of how they would like to initially stock their cichlid tank and also how to manage and stop aggression in their cichlid tank.

    put your personal experiences here

    55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'

  • #2
    cichlids are gonna fight no matter how you introduce them to each other. I've tried both and it always works out the same way.
    ‎Haiku's are easy
    But sometimes they don't make sense


    • #3
      i would say juvies because you can tell there potential in color
      and they will grow at the same rate with each other and if there aggro theyll prolly get along better
      but thts my 2 cents hey man what you gonna do woith your dovii i need one thts about 4" can i buy him?
      210 gallon ~ S/A, C/A build; jaguar, dovii, flowerhorn, gold doviI, 2 red devils, pacu, shovel nose cat
      125 gallon long ~ African cichlids
      10 gallon ~ ghost shrimp breeding (fish treats) haha


      • #4
        I would get the sub-adults. Thats what I did and never had a problem. I never had REAL aggressive fish, but I had a green terror, jack dempsey, severums, oscar, and never had any real problems.
        250gallon-Wild Angels, community


        • #5
          Resident fish bum
          330G FOWLR
          34G Reef
          330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
          28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
          Treasurer, GHAC


          • #6
            all good info.
            keep it coming:)
            FRENCH FRY!!!

            55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


            • #7
              In M/O fry or juvies will give you longer to enjoy them together. When they reach breeding age things will change, aggression levels will rise and changes will have to be made. Good Luck
              300 W/C Burundi
              210 W/C Moba/ Cyrtocara Moorii
              210 F1 Moba
              180 W/C Mpimbwe
              180 F1 Burundi


              • #8
                i'm no cichlid expert, but for me getting juvies worked best... but i only had different varieties of lake malawi cichs
                65 gallon - ADA 120p - planted
                55 gallon - AGA standard - mix cichlid
                30 gallon tall - eclipse acrylic - semi-planted

                live and let live


                • #9
                  I've gone both ways and it's worked out both ways. It's really a crap shoot depending on the individual fish stocked. I don't like advocating overstocking, but I've found that in a heavily stocked and heavily filtered cichlid tank there are too many fish for the really aggressive ones to focus their meanness on any one fish for very long. I've read this same method in Paul V Loiselle's book, The Cichlid Aquarium.

                  What are the facts? Again and again and again--what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore devine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history"--what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your only clue.

                  Robert Anson Heinlein


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by wesleydnunder View Post
                    I've gone both ways and it's worked out both ways. It's really a crap shoot depending on the individual fish stocked. I don't like advocating overstocking, but I've found that in a heavily stocked and heavily filtered cichlid tank there are too many fish for the really aggressive ones to focus their meanness on any one fish for very long. I've read this same method in Paul V Loiselle's book, The Cichlid Aquarium.


                    very good info, ive read the same, i believe overstocking can be accomplished safely if you have enough filtration.
                    i have seen a 215g CA cichlid tank, with over 20 full grown adult super aggro tank bushters, jags, butti, red tiger motos, loiselli, red devil, festae, grammodes, huge texas cichlids, and black belts, and it worked well.
                    althuogh he had a proclear 300 wetdry, 2x fx5 canisters, and 2x ac110 filters., but it worked well.
                    FRENCH FRY!!!

                    55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


                    • #11
                      i think it all the depends on the types of young adults. if you try something like midas, trimacs, dovii, or black nasties you will most likely have a problem (thats if they are 5"+). i had my trimacs in a 75g with green terrors and alot of convicts. once they hit the 3" mark i moved them into a 125g with a jag pair that was 4-5" and a jumbo pink convict. that only lasted about 2 months. first my male trimac killed a chuco intermedius. then he killed my female jag and thats when i took them out and put them in a 75g of their own.


                      • #12
                        have you tried putting "Big Grey" in the 125g with any tank mates?


                        • #13
                          very true, i found that out the hard way, my midas doesnt play well with others lol
                          FRENCH FRY!!!

                          55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


                          • #14
                            yes, he chased non stop for 3 days, all the other fish in the tank couldnt come out of the rockwork, so he went into his own 50g.
                            he nuckin futs,lol
                            FRENCH FRY!!!

                            55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


                            • #15
                              i tried it too when i first got him. i put him a 125g with a 7" tex, 6" pink con and that rd female i got from you. by the next morning he had almost killed the tex.

