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Fish Region Index

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  • Fish Region Index

    Anyone know where I can get lists of aquarium fish from say different regions. say you wanted to make a region tank. where would you find a list and maybe a list with pictures of fish from that region that are available for the aquarium?

  • #2
    Have you done any web searches?

    Sorry I can't be of any more help.....good luck buddy.

    Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


    • #3
      if you want to search for cichlid region, then this site will help:

      just select group and sub-group, then you will have list, pic, and infors about that species.
      hope this help.


      • #4
        thanks. i forgot about that forum and all the info on it. thanmks


        • #5
          This one's pretty good:
          According to their front page they have 741 aquatic fish profiles and 166 aquarium plant profiles.

          They have 18 biotopes they have come up with. These include a description of the region and the water parameters, the types of plants found there, and some fish they suggest would be great together in a biotope.

          If you want to create your own biotope tank, you can roll your mouse over "Aquarium Fish" at the top of the page and then click on "Order aquarium fish by". Then you can order all of the fish ascending or descending alphabetically by scientific name, alphabetically by common name, by the max. size, by the min. size, by the temperament to it's family, by the temperament to other fish species, by the min./max. temp., by the min./max. pH, by the the min./max. water hardness, by the place in the aquarium, by the way it breeds, and FINALLY by the origins.

          Also, if you don't want to sort all of the fish into a giant list, you can just search for fish by the origins. Just roll over "Aquarium Fish" and click on "Find your aquarium fish". Then you can can search for a fish by any of the fields I just mentioned including origins.

          You can also search for plants the same way. Btw I have never used this website for anything other than finding fish from a certain region. Then I just google the fish name to find more info because actually most of the profiles are lacking. Anyways, sorry for the book. Hope this helps!


          • #6
            Nice website, but I would be careful with what it offers.
            Since I like Lake Tanganyika I took a quick tour of what they had to say and it was very limited.
            Their feeding of Tropheus was to include bloodworms in their diet, something I believe anyone who knows these fish this is a major NO-NO.
            Now I dont know about any other regions of fish, as I didnt take the time.

            On a personal note I think talking about what it is you want to do and then listen and research is prolly the best way to go about it.

            MrAirportJunke -- I would say.. what are you looking to do and lets make some suggestions.

            I keep personally a 110g community tank which is comprised of Lake Tanganyika community fish.
            Bottom is handled by shell dwellers, L. Ocellatus, bottom to mid are handled by my sand dwellers Xenotalapia, and mid to top is Cyps. I love the fish, because there is interaction between the two sets of fish that break into each others water coloum layers. Ie the Xeno's have to deal with everyone.. but for the most parts the Cyps.

            What fish do Jesper have
            180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
            Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
            58 S. Decorus

            "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


            • #7
              hey nice site. ill check it out. i wouldnt follow the feeding instructions from most sites. lol. but thanks. thats nice. i searched for a site like that and didnt find anything. i dont know what yall are typing in the search field but thanks. im not good at finding stuff on the net.
              Zulaab, I havent decided what kinda biotope (thats probably the word i shoulda used to search with) Im gonna make. I have a 90g, that has a built in over flow. I have a big stump kinda thing of drift wood, tons of holey rock, regular like big smooth creek stones and well anything you wanna do a tank with. I just odnt know what Im gonna do with it all. My wife wanted discus but after alot of research and asking and talkin to dan. I cant dedicate to the water changes like they need to be. Im not home enough and my wife wont do them. Plus if I let her and she did, shed probably get in a hurry and forget to declorinate or something. I was thinking maybe a tang tank but not sure what to put in it to keep all levels occupied. I was also thinkging maybe a south american setup, but i have a 29g that im gonna do that to and make it my dwarf south american tank. But as for the 90g which is the question, is I dont konw. Fine maybe yall got some ideas then, any help?


              • #8
                With a tang setup I can give you a ton of advice and you will have an interesting tank to look at.

                I would somewhat copy what I already have as I feel my tank setup I have is extremely interesting to look at and this might be just up your alley too.

                Get a bunch of shells.. Spread in both corners, leave the middle open for a nice size sand patch. In the corners and across the back, plant either real Vallisneria or fake, just so you have tall plants looking like they are growing up in the back. With a sand substrate I am not 100% sure if real plants will work.

                Fish : Get about 10 shellies.. allow them to grow out and figure out where they want to be in the tank.. they are obviously going to occupy the shells.
                Get about the same number of Xeno's.... and then about 20 cyps to fill out the top. I promise you this is a great setup !

                What fish do Jesper have
                180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
                Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
                58 S. Decorus

                "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Zulaab View Post
                  Nice website, but I would be careful with what it offers.
                  Since I like Lake Tanganyika I took a quick tour of what they had to say and it was very limited.
                  Their feeding of Tropheus was to include bloodworms in their diet, something I believe anyone who knows these fish this is a major NO-NO.
                  Now I dont know about any other regions of fish, as I didnt take the time.
                  Yeah I know. Like I said I have only looked up the names of fish in a certain region using that site and then I Google the fish some more. Because really compared to most fish profiles, they suck. But If you are clueless as to what fish live in a certain region (granted some of their regions have only one or two fish) it's not bad.

                  For me, I would look up an area that I wanted to create a tank from. And go to this site and see what fish live in let's say Central America. So I look at the Central America list and think, "Hey, I'm curious about this fish and they might be cool in my tank." So then I would Google this fish and compile information from at least 10 different profile pages on other fish websites/forums. Then I would ask any questions from you guys. That would be what I would do. :)

                  Mrairpotjunke- I actually don't remember how I found this but I bookmarked it and thought I would share.


                  • #10
                    thanks. its a start.

                    and zulaab, i might have to do some research on those. That 90 I have is a show quality tank. its sweet, clean, and like brand new. no scartches. so its gonna be a sshow tank, and i wanna make it look super sweet. thank.


                    • #11
                      MrAirportJunke -- take a look at and what I would do is look at their shell dwellers, then sand dwellers and then their Cyprichromis section.
                      Find one group from each you like and then ask what others think. They dont have a bunch of fish there, but this will give you an idea of what is out there. I would stick to fish that shows they dont grow past about 5" in length.. Then what you are looking to do is getting about 10 shellies, 10 Sand dwellers and about 20 cyps.
                      Before you buy anything look around and see if there is anyone locally who is selling the type or closely related that you still like. I promise you, you will have a group of fish that will give you a TON and I mean a TON of fun to look at and their interaction. Shellies can be kept in a small tank yes, but when they have tons of room they get to be 100x more fun to look at !!! The sand dwellers group together until they breed, then they pair off and defend an area, but till then they like to group together.. If you get Xeno's they will school with your cyps for the most part... and the cyps... when your males are old enough, will be a CONSTANT display of color and movement.. they are just awesome to look at all the time.

                      What fish do Jesper have
                      180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
                      Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
                      58 S. Decorus

                      "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


                      • #12
                        thanks. im gonna go check it out

