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cope still here

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  • cope still here

    hey gang...I have been around... I could not figure out my password and when I requested a new one.. It went to my spam and I did not realize it.. Sothis whole time I thought I was doing something wrong... anyway.....

    I am up to 12 tanks now....... 4 saltwater tanks and the rest fresh.. my fish are getting huge.... I just had a batch of babies (blood parrot/ texas cichlid) and I have about 150 in a seperate tank..... I will prob give these away when they get big enough...the last batch I was able to save only 12 before the got eaten.. I still have thoseguys and they are about 4"long and doing well..... So well, I have one of the babies that got pop eye so I put him in a hospital tank in the garage... that was 6 months ago and this guy is still going.. even in 100 degree water.. can't believe how strong he is...I dump ice in the tank ever so often.... his eye still looks messed up. but he is justlike a regular fish... swimming and playing.... he is about 5" long.... anybody want him? hate to see him in that heat....I had had very little lose of any salt tanks are going great... this hobby has taken hold of me... I estimate 15-20 grand.... making my own water, trying to raise brine shrimp, seems every fish has a different diet LOL...even the corals need different care.... Ton of fun... I love it..

    I think up to 800 gallons now...
    see if I can hook up a link to youtube for all my tanks..... thanks Cope... it's been a while and I am sorry I could not figure out what the problem was...
    Had about 900 gallons now I am tired and selling them off...

  • #2
    link to tank videos

    these are all my tanks..enjoy
    Had about 900 gallons now I am tired and selling them off...


    • #3
      Glad you stumbled back onto the box....what kind of project you dreamin up lately?

      Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


      • #4
        welcome back


        • #5
          welcome back... man have really taken this to a level :)
          65 gallon - ADA 120p - planted
          55 gallon - AGA standard - mix cichlid
          30 gallon tall - eclipse acrylic - semi-planted

          live and let live


          • #6
            Cichlidfan. I have been messing around building stuff...... I just finished another reptile cage and I am working on a turtle tank.... I do this stuff when I have extra time or a brainstorm... I will attach a picture... I am thinking about offering my services to people here if they need stuff built... acrylic, or wood... small projects like tank hoods or stands... or maybe some wet dry systems... I have all the tools and the shop to do this in..I am having fun coming up with new stuff.. I am trying to work it so I can build unique tanks and cages and let my local pet shop sell them... I can not stand to do nothing so I start inventing stuff..... just for the record, I used to do woodworking all the time...
            Had about 900 gallons now I am tired and selling them off...


            • #7
              lizard cage

              this one I built Sunday... I think this took 5 hours to build... I made the caves out of styrofoam and Tile groute...... size is 18 deepx36 tallx48 wide
              Attached Files
              Had about 900 gallons now I am tired and selling them off...


              • #8
                turtle tank

                I think this might work.. I still have more to doto it.need to let the glue dry 1/4 acrylic
                Attached Files
                Had about 900 gallons now I am tired and selling them off...


                • #9
                  I think your going to be getting some calls here and there....smiles.....

                  Nice work....I know fishlady is eyeballing that turtle tank, but here "chewy" is pretty big, he might be able to get a foot hold on the shallow end....what's the game plan to keep them critters in the tank?

                  Keep in touch and be sure to post those pics...I assure you, we all love them and can't wait for the next one.... :)

                  Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


                  • #10
                    Right now, I am not sure... I build and then figure out the problems... I am gonna build a cabnet around it and under the shallow end I will build a cubby hole with a small door for the food....... this is for the small red ear turtles..(i think that is what they are) the pet store has a bunch and I want one for the I will see how this tank works.. or don't work... will keep posting pics... I am just having fun glueing and routering acrylic..LOL...
                    Had about 900 gallons now I am tired and selling them off...


                    • #11
                      looks really good man.
                      250gallon-Wild Angels, community


                      • #12
                        hey cope, nice to see you back on the box again...
                        i'm very interested in that turtle tank design you got going there....
                        i have a red eared slider as cichlidfan said "Chewy"....he bought him for me when Mike had his store opened last year....he was the size of a quarter when steve got him for me....he's almost the size of a teacup saucer now..and growing out of the bookshelf tank i have him in....steve and i were discussing needing to upgrade his keep me updated on your would have to be bigger than the one your working on and keep in mind that these little boogers grow quite rapidly in a years time....)....

                        and again...nice to see you back.....


                        • #13
                          cope, you completely build? like the tank and the stand yourself?
                          210 gallon ~ S/A, C/A build; jaguar, dovii, flowerhorn, gold doviI, 2 red devils, pacu, shovel nose cat
                          125 gallon long ~ African cichlids
                          10 gallon ~ ghost shrimp breeding (fish treats) haha


                          • #14
                            what you see I built.... pile of wood and some acylic sheeting and some groute and styrofoam..... Yes I built all of it... I have several stands that I have built.. To build you a whole tank from glass.... (no I will pass at the moment) better off getting a professional... small items like sumps and low water tanks I will do... THIS IS NOT WHAT I DO.. I am just messing around and find it fun.. I do have the skills and the tools... I am just offering up my skills to those who do not have the skill or the space or the tools to make something they need or a brainstorm that they can not find and buy.. you can help if you like... kinda like a buddy project... does not have to be fish related..... and I reserve the right to say "I don't want to do it" We all know a guy who can do something.... Hey there is this guy on the box who can build that.... and I can be that guy.... that's it.... Not looking to makes tons of money on it.. It's just fun for me.... so there you go..... If anyone needs me.. I am here...

                            My shop number is 281-867-0678 Chuck... Coupland Signs.
                            Had about 900 gallons now I am tired and selling them off...


                            • #15
                              Fish lady.... you scratch out some ruff plans.. size and layout... I will perfect it... let you know how much material.... you can buy the material if you want.. (A/C Plastic) 1/4" acrylic 4'x8' is about 100.oo I have the tool to heat and bend the acylic to shape... and tools to clean cut all the edges......

                              Youtube.... search Quickcope........ I have lots of videos of my tanks and a lot of those I built parts to....... and stands... and hoods....

                              E-mail is

                              I should put this on my profile... (I thought it was already there) Hummm?
                              Had about 900 gallons now I am tired and selling them off...

