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Your fish list (2009)

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  • Your fish list (2009)

    Here's the 2009 thread for listing the fish you keep.

    I think this is a pretty accurate list of what I keep...but I may have forgotten a few:

    Scarlet Badis
    Betta splendens
    Neolamprologus brevis
    Cyprichromis leptosoma 'Blue Neon'
    Black Veil angel
    Marbled Angels
    Gold Angels
    Striped Angels
    Sunshine Peacock
    Pseudotropheus elongatus 'Jewel Spot'
    Altolamprologus compressiceps
    Neolamprologus longicaudatus
    Lepidiolamprologus lemarii
    Eretmodus cyanostictus Goby Cichlid
    Tanganicodus irsacae Goby Cichlid
    Tropheus Duboisi 'Maswa'
    Tropheus brichardi 'Mpimbwe'
    Tropheus Moorii "Bemba"
    Tropheus Moorii "Nkonde"
    Tropheus Moorii "Chaitika"
    Tropheus sp. Red "Moliro"
    Tropheus sp. red "Kachese"
    Tropheus Moorii 'Moop'
    Tropheus sp. Black "Ikola"
    Tropheus brichardi 'Ulwile'
    Petrochromis famula 'Blue Fin'
    Nimbochromis venustus
    Paratilapia Bleekeri
    Blood Parrot
    Buffalohead Cichlid
    Green Terror
    Peacock Cichlid
    Giraffe Catfish
    Kuhlii Loach
    Clown Loach
    Celestial Pearl Danio
    Peacock Gudgeon
    Dancing Goby
    Belted Rockclimbing Goby
    Red Goby
    Jade Sleeper Goby
    Violet red bruno pleco (L-137)
    Bristlenose pleco
    Albino bristlenose pleco
    Longfin albino bristlenose pleco
    Thomasi Pleco (L-188a)
    Tooth-Nose Pleco (L-007)
    Peckoltia sp. (L-147)
    Tiger Pleco (L-002)
    Gold Nugget Pleco (L-018)
    Blue Panaque (L-239)
    Gold Royal Pleco (L-027)
    Golden Algae Eater
    Highfin Catfish
    African Scat
    Golden Puffer
    Pea Puffer
    Fahaka Puffer
    Peruvian Puffer
    Last edited by imagirlgeek; 07-12-2009, 04:21 PM. Reason: Corrected my list
    Our Fishhouse
    Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.

  • #2
    Originally posted by imagirlgeek View Post
    Here's the 2009 thread for listing the fish you keep.

    I think this is a pretty accurate list of what I keep...but I may have forgotten a few:

    Scarlet Badis
    Cyprochromis 'Blue Flash'
    Neolamprologus brevis
    Cyprichromis leptosoma 'Blue Neon'
    Black Veil angel
    Marbled Angels
    Gold Angels
    Striped Angels
    Sunshine Peacock
    Pseudotropheus elongatus 'Jewel Spot'
    Altolamprologus compressiceps
    Neolamprologus longicaudatus
    Lepidiolamprologus lemarii
    Eretmodus cyanostictus Goby Cichlid
    Tanganicodus irsacae Goby Cichlid
    Tropheus Duboisi 'Maswa'
    Tropheus brichardi 'Mpimbwe'
    Tropheus Moorii "Bemba"
    Tropheus Moorii "Nkonde"
    Tropheus Moorii "Chaitika"
    Tropheus sp. Red "Moliro"
    Tropheus sp. red "Kachese"
    Tropheus Moorii 'Moop'
    Tropheus sp. Black "Ikola"
    Tropheus brichardi 'Ulwile'
    Petrochromis famula 'Blue Fin'
    Nimbochromis venustus
    Paratilapia Bleekeri
    Blood Parrot
    Buffalohead Cichlid
    Green Terror
    Peacock Cichlid
    Giraffe Catfish
    Kuhlii Loach
    Clown Loach
    Celestial Pearl Danio
    Peacock Gudgeon
    Dancing Goby
    Belted Rockclimbing Goby
    Red Goby
    Jade Sleeper Goby
    Violet red bruno pleco (L-137)
    Bristlenose pleco
    Albino bristlenose pleco
    Longfin albino bristlenose pleco
    Thomasi Pleco (L-188a)
    Tooth-Nose Pleco (L-007)
    Peckoltia sp. (L-147)
    Tiger Pleco (L-002)
    Gold Nugget Pleco (L-018)
    Blue Panaque (L-239)
    Gold Royal Pleco (L-027)
    Golden Algae Eater
    Highfin Catfish
    African Scat
    Golden Puffer
    Pea Puffer
    Fahaka Puffer
    Peruvian Puffer
    And a partridge in a pear tree.


    everything I have is listed in my sig. used to have more, but I got rid of them to simplify things and make more room.
    ‎Haiku's are easy
    But sometimes they don't make sense


    • #3
      Troph Livua
      Petro Blue giant
      Petro Macro Green
      Troph yellow rainbow
      Petro red fin


      • #4
        Benthochromis tricoti
        Ectodus Descampsii
        Paracyprichromis nigripinnis
        Cyprichromis leptosoma "Kitumba"
        Cyprichromis leptosoma "Utinta"
        Julidochromis transcriptus
        Julidochromis marlieri
        Juildochromis ornatus
        Eretmodus cyanosticus
        Neolamprologus occelatus "Gold"
        Labidochromis caeruleus
        ABN, BN, LFABN
        Xenotilapia ochrogenys "Mzuri"
        Telematochromis dhonti
        Cyphotilapia frontosa "Burundi"
        Anentome helena
        Poecilia reticulata
        ... and stuff in the pond ...
        Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
        Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
        Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
        Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.


        • #5
          Red spotted green Discus
          Para Tetras
          Penguin Tetras
          Black Neon tetras
          Rummy nose Tetras
          Cardinal Tetras
          Glow light tetras
          Glo fish
          Zebra and Koi Angels
          Apisto Double Red
          Pygmy cory
          Paleatus cory
          Virginae Cory
          Otto cats
          Amano Shrimp
          Cherry Shrimp
          Assassin snails
          L142 Pleco
          Last edited by Darbex; 07-13-2009, 03:14 PM.
          Resident fish bum
          330G FOWLR
          34G Reef
          330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
          28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
          Treasurer, GHAC


          • #6
            Cyprichromis leptosoma -- blue flash
            Tropheus Moorii "Chilambo"
            Tropheus sp Red "Kiku"
            Tropheus Duboisi "Maswa"
            Xenotilapia spilopterus "Kipili"
            Lamprologus ocellatus "Gold" & 3 non-gold
            Synodontis Decorus
            Bristlenose Pleco both regular and Albino
            Royal Pleco L-027b
            Gold Nugget Plecostomus L-018

            Last edited by Zulaab; 09-29-2009, 09:44 PM.

            What fish do Jesper have
            180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
            Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
            58 S. Decorus

            "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


            • #7
              Poropanchax normani
              Corydoras pygmaeus
              Yasuhikotakia sidthimunki
              Bristlenose Plecos
              Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae
              Assorted other cories
              Guppies (ugh)
              Kuhli loaches
              Celestichthys margaritatus
              Cairnotetraodon lorteti
              Betta splendens
              Amano shrimp
              Odessa barb
              Pseudomugil mellis
              Corydoras panda
              Jordanella floridae
              Etheostoma fusiforme
              Lucania goodei
              Heterandria formosa
              Poecilia latipinna
              Fundulus chrysotus
              Rhinogobius wui
              Puntius pentazona
              Puntius conchonius
              Pseudepiplatys annulatus
              Last edited by Mzungu; 07-12-2009, 07:45 PM.
              "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


              • #8
                100 % Trophs

                - Ilangi
                - Ikola
                - Nkonde
                - Duboisi
                - Lufubu


                • #9
                  Silver shark (signal barb)
                  Fundulus chrysotus
                  Fundulus notatus
                  Fundulus grandis
                  Fundulus notti
                  Siamese algae eater
                  Common pleco
                  Green phantom pleco
                  BN pleco
                  Long finned BN pleco
                  ABN pleco
                  Snowball pleco
                  Swamp darter
                  Garra rufa (doctor fish)
                  Garra cf. vittulata
                  Red tail shark
                  Rainbow shark
                  Rosy reds
                  Blue gourami
                  Opaline gourami
                  Sheepshead minnows
                  Archer fish
                  Colombian shark (hardhead catfish)
                  A striped native brackish fish whose name I won't mention
                  Keyhole cichlid
                  Curviceps cichlid
                  Eyespot Ctenopoma
                  Leopard Ctenopoma
                  Chocolate Ctenopoma
                  Giant bronze cory (Brochis)
                  Banjo catfish
                  Bumble bee catfish
                  Clown loach
                  Khuli loach (striped and black)
                  Distichodus noboli
                  Pimelodella sp. (Cory mimic catfish)
                  Clown pleco
                  Adonis pleco
                  Royal pleco
                  Silver desert goby
                  Violet pleco
                  Illyodon furcidens (regular and "white")
                  Xenotoca eiseni
                  Characodon lateralis
                  Ameca splendens
                  Goodea gracilis
                  Zoogoneticus tequila
                  Fahaka puffer
                  Red eye puffer
                  Yoyo loach
                  "White" black ghost knife
                  Apistogramma iniridae
                  Angelfish (silver, marble, black marble, blue blusher, zebra, gold, platinum)
                  Pictus catfish
                  Three lined catfish
                  Sun catfish
                  Flagtail catfish
                  Porthole catfish
                  Spotted Peckoltia pleco
                  Cory catfish (bronze, network, panda, ornate, green, peppered, masked, albino, Virginae, Pleatus and a few others whose names I forgot)
                  Eretmodus cyanosticus
                  Julidochromis transcriptus
                  Julidochromis marlieri
                  Juildochromis ornatus
                  Telematochromis dhonti
                  Lamprologus ocellatus
                  Tropheus Duboisi
                  Tropheus Moorii 'Moop'
                  Red finned blue botia
                  Sumo loach
                  Synodontis angelicus
                  Synodontis ocellifer
                  Synodontis nigrita
                  Striped raphael catfish
                  Asian climbing perch
                  Tire track eel
                  Polypterus endlicheri
                  Polypterus delhezi
                  Polypterus ornatipinnis
                  Polypterus senegalus (green and albino)
                  Cambodian betta
                  Mangrove killifish
                  Nerite snails (olive, zebra, red spotted)
                  Striped apple snail
                  White (pink) crawfish
                  Red swamp crawfish
                  Common musk turtle
                  Three lined mud turtle

                  And if I include the fish at work:
                  Common goldfish
                  Shubunkin goldfish
                  Lionhead goldfish
                  Australian red claw crawfish
                  Florida blue crawfish

                  I think that is all of them.
                  Last edited by Nickintex; 07-13-2009, 12:31 AM. Reason: forgot a fish
                  PLECOS SUCK!



                  • #10
                    - Petrochromis Trewavasae
                    - Tropheus Moorii Kasakalawe


                    • #11
                      no you want a cookie?
                      Resident fish bum
                      330G FOWLR
                      34G Reef
                      330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                      28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                      Treasurer, GHAC


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Nickintex View Post
                        Shell dwelling cichlid with bulldog-like face and teeth (I forgot the name)
                        Nick how about 'Lamprologus' ocellatus -- What color ? Gold, Blue or "regular"

                        What fish do Jesper have
                        180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
                        Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
                        58 S. Decorus

                        "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


                        • #13
                          Tropheus Chimba
                          Tropheus Katoto
                          Tropheus Duboisi "Maswa"
                          Tropheus Moliro
                          Petrochromis Rainbow
                          Neolamprologus Tretocephalus
                          Tanganicodus irsacae Goby Cichlid
                          Red Spotted Nerite
                          Zebra Nerite
                          Olive Nerite
                          Blue Mystery snail
                          Tiger Pleco
                          Last edited by newb; 07-12-2009, 08:07 PM.
                          250gallon-Wild Angels, community


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Zulaab View Post
                            Nick how about 'Lamprologus' ocellatus -- What color ? Gold, Blue or "regular"
                            Gold with light blue fins and a blue spot just behind the gill covers.
                            PLECOS SUCK!



                            • #15
                              Can we stay on topic please, I would like to see everyone's fish list

