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arowana question

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  • arowana question

    do aros like alot of current? i have a powerhead in my tank for circulation, will this affect my new aro negatively??

  • #2
    type of aro?

    tank size?

    powerhead size?

    total flow rate?

    the answer seems to depend on the factors above.
    I ate my fish that died.


    • #3
      silver aro, 75 gallon, 4-5 inches long, aquaclear 50 powerhead


      • #4
        that's rated for like 270 max. I don't think it will be an issue.
        I ate my fish that died.


        • #5
          I had one in a 100 gallon but had no power head. They are pretty hearty.
          1 - 29 gal - Breeding Pair Green Terror w/fry
          1 - 29 Gal -Two white saum green terror
          1 - 75 gal - Pleco & Green Terror
          1 - 75 gal - 25+ Green terror, Botia
          1 - 100 gal - Community Tetras & Barbs & clown loaches & LG pleco
          1-120 gal - Frontosas, & Blood Parrot & Green Terror, 2 LG plecos


          • #6
            thanks guys, he in a 75 gall with 4 jewels, and other tank mates coming soon... my fish room is almost done!!! 48 hex with fh, 30 hex with 2 fh, 55 with fh, carpintis econdido, dempsey, 50 gal with fh!!! bedroom- 75rr with red devil(nice nuchal hump!), girraffe cat, jd; 45 corner with plecos, juvie red devils.... living room, 48 bowfront with flowerhorn, and as of last night, 29 gal with nice flowerhorn... hehehe i got 6 awesome flowerhorns!!!


            • #7
              i had my 15" silver aro in my 125g with an oddysea 500 pwerhead at each end of the tank.
              he did just fine, they seem to like a decent current in their tank.
              FRENCH FRY!!!

              55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


              • #8
                He will doing good in that tank with that powerhead.
                Silver aro grow quick and will out grow 75 gal tank. You might be thinking to update to another big tank soon.
                I got 2 sil aro 7 months ago at 12" and now they're at approximately 24".

