Yes... I am learning... Let me re-phrase.... WE HAVE CAT-O-STROPIC FAILURE.... Man.. so sadden by the next event... so I drained it.... and while taking it out of the stand to inspect where the leaks where... I broke one end off...... one wall came apart from the seams... and I found the leak.... seems as thought about 6 inches and a corner of the bottom was not even touching... not sure how that happend...I can only assume the freaking heat of the warehouse made it expand or contract to cause this gap... Or I just did not notice it when bonding it together..... good news is... it was not full of rock plants and animals as Chilidfan stated...... now back to the drawing board... I will update.. thank you for the support... Cope
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fish lady approval
If your going to start over fresh. Dont trash the pieces use them to make a smaller tank.
I found out that it is easier to make smaller tanks for the learning curve.
Wish you better luck with your next tank.Board Member of Houston Aquarium Society
Mod OF Marshreef
Breeder of Discus, Angels, Bristle nose & Sail fin Mollies
Coming soon Daphnia
i have all the faith in you cope that it will come out perfect in the end.....
that's why they call it "testing" that no animals would be put in until it's safe to say they will be okay.....).....
but good one cichlidfan......i laughed when i read that........
go get em da man......
3:00 after locating the leaks and fixing the broke end piece... I now have 2" of water in it and there are no leaks.... I will wait till monday to fill complete..... so for now I will just start to decorate and hope for the best come monday....... I have it on place and it looks real cool...Had about 900 gallons now I am tired and selling them off...
the progress
welcome to Cape Cope... the retreat for retired turtles..... LOL....
I still have to fill with water... this will be done Monday.... Notice I still have a clamp on it........ but it looks AWESOME!!!!!!!Attached FilesHad about 900 gallons now I am tired and selling them off...
let's add this up.... 80 bucks for fake plants.... 40 bucks for stuff from pets mart that I may take back... 100 bucks for plexi glass.... 100 bucks for wood and paint... 40 bucks for rock & gravel..... not sure what the sump cost.. I had that as an extra from another tank... time involved 18 hours......
prob close to 400 in material at this point.... you know the little extras you run to the store that you forgot....... who knows..... we will see if it is all worth it....Had about 900 gallons now I am tired and selling them off...
that is absolutely awsome cope.....
but i'm really hoping that you can get that price tag under control somewhat...or maybe a little smaller version....i'm not sure which....
but that's alot of money for a turtle retirement....unless your selling time share on it...and i can have chewy stay there for 2 weeks a year....)
but i reallllllllly love it.......i just don't think i can afford one for chewy.....
keep updating the progress......
well, I just could not stand it.... I had to fill it up.... everything is running and it is really cool... I put some feeder fish and one frog..... I will get the turtles tomorrow if it is still in one piece.. LOL..... yep, that price is a little high.. but not sure how I could cut it down.. unless I just made the tank and stand...... I am sure that big companies get this stuff cheaper... I do have one small drip of a leak... I will address that tomorrow.. I have located it and it should be easy to fix.... and anyone is welcome to come check out my tanks... they are at my shop in laporte.... 118 s. 5th.... 77571Had about 900 gallons now I am tired and selling them off...
the video
I am not open on weekends..BUT, I am up there most ofthe time... cleaning fish tanks..(go figure?) or building some new something or other.. Play time for me...
here is the video...
tell me how you like it... not sure how some of these people do a fish room/tank build and make it last 4 months..LOLHad about 900 gallons now I am tired and selling them off...