Since I'm just learning about Tang cichlids, I wanted to first pass my ideas by those of you with more experience before I actually set out to get various fish. So this is my wish list of fish. Please tell me if any of these fish would be a good or poor choice for my tank.
I'm also using this thread to help me keep track of the fish I run across and would like to consider for my tank. Too many new fish for me to remember them all so this will help me keep track of them.
So far, in the tank I have: Paracyprichromis nigripinnis
I plan to also add: non-jumbo Cyprichromis
My Fish Wish List
1. Enantiopus sp. "Kilesa"
These are incredibly beautiful! They get to 6" in size. I don't know much else about them yet.
2. Julidochromis dickfeldi
I love the blue coloring and the more solid lines on this fish! Nice size, too. I've been told I should only consider 1 pair of julis. Any chance of more?
3. Synodontis petricola "Dwarf"
I have wanted these for years. Would they completely destroy any chance for fry in the tank?
4. Shell Dwellers - not sure which ones yet.
I'm also using this thread to help me keep track of the fish I run across and would like to consider for my tank. Too many new fish for me to remember them all so this will help me keep track of them.
So far, in the tank I have: Paracyprichromis nigripinnis
I plan to also add: non-jumbo Cyprichromis
My Fish Wish List
1. Enantiopus sp. "Kilesa"
These are incredibly beautiful! They get to 6" in size. I don't know much else about them yet.
2. Julidochromis dickfeldi
I love the blue coloring and the more solid lines on this fish! Nice size, too. I've been told I should only consider 1 pair of julis. Any chance of more?
3. Synodontis petricola "Dwarf"
I have wanted these for years. Would they completely destroy any chance for fry in the tank?
4. Shell Dwellers - not sure which ones yet.