i just purchased a 24"x24"x12" 30g cube from aquatic world.
i dont know how old it is, but the seals are in great shape.
the only hitch is, i dont have a stand for it
i know a simple 2x4 stand, thats deck screwed together will easilly hold this tank.
my question is, how should i design the stand in order to most evenly distibute the weight of this somewhat odd size tank?
i was thinking x brace on top, bottom, and all 4 sides.
but then getting a canister in an out is gunna be impossible.
any ideas?
i dont know how old it is, but the seals are in great shape.
the only hitch is, i dont have a stand for it
i know a simple 2x4 stand, thats deck screwed together will easilly hold this tank.
my question is, how should i design the stand in order to most evenly distibute the weight of this somewhat odd size tank?
i was thinking x brace on top, bottom, and all 4 sides.
but then getting a canister in an out is gunna be impossible.
any ideas?